Latest on alexL

image: 18864_281874935883_629015883_4700787_3335998_n

< alexL> måste nog till sjukhuset
< alexL> ungdomsmotagningen
< alexL> eller nått
< alexL> kan inet röra kuken
< alexL> fett ont
< alexL> den har typ svullnat
< alexL> röd under huden
< alexL> som FAN
< alexL> ollonet har typ spruckit
< alexL> tror vi gjort för mkt
< alexL> fan misnt 4 ggr varje dag
< alexL> tror det blivit för mkt friktion
< alexL> så börjadet det bblöda igår kväll :P

<alexL> i most go to the hospital
<alexL> or smth
<alexL> cant touch my dick
<alexL> really hurts
<alexL> its so swollen
<alexL> the skin under is red
<alexL> my dick have cracked
<alexL> think we did it to much
<alexL> 4 times a day atleast
<alexL> to much friction
<alexL> it started to bleed last night

To the admin this is not private logs!


Correction by alexL
< alexL> crajsor
< alexL> asså 4 ggr varje dag i typ 3 månader nu

= 4 times a day for atleast 3 months !
more energy drinks :D
ass is not the right place to put ur penis in
You would know!
yes, sadly i have the experience ://////
that your ass is not the right place ?^^
yes, but dont tell any1
newyare party pic
ugly girls there
that's called genital herpes :D
i love you alexL
He is a busy ho.
he and his boyfriend to his right?!
4 times a day for 3 months and his dick can't handle it? FAIL!
fuck yeahhhhhh!!!! remove that nazi flag btw

I'm allowed it : )
landodger x]
4 times a day. Only? Cant hurt then imo hähä :*
You go girl!
his boyfriend on the left should be nicer to him
20 year old looking like 30 year old acting like 16 year old!
Good job on counting the times u have sex nerdboi
so he is having a lot of sex in jail
im so happy for him :)
nice not telling the entire story, since I also said I behave just like the younger people because it's my choice :D

You're just mad because I ditched you last night bro :s
nerd :s
nerd :s
him nah should choose all dem tight gyals
partys in jail , for suuuure fucktard
it's not smart to fap with sandpaper
Seems you failed to get the funny.
:/ I just thought the pic was funny mkay?
I know him irl, he always fails
not as much as you though!
I don't tend to cycle into anything by the side of the road or plant my face to the floor as much as you do.
I'm talking about social fails :s
Physical fails are just fun :)
Or have a gf which I just have sex with while trying to do my best friend and being in love with another girl

if that isn't a social fail, i dunno anymore
now stfu with ur hate, it is getting annoying
hahahaha :DDD clearly you have trouble detecting sarcasm and irony

edit: nice edit!
ur sarcasm isn't funny.
which brings us back to what seanza said!
which brings us back to the fact that you are not funny.
good plottwist
a log about to much friction with a picture next to guys
I know, im player
you could be ye but then why do you chose such an ackward situation and not just be single.
the situation is not a situation since I'm not in love with anyone and I am not attempting to have sex with the girl you named
you are acting very wierd about it all though
That party must have risen the gross domestic product of Austria by quite some per cent.
that's called a flame!

I'm not the type of girl to cheat on my current girlfriend (: (some other people are though!)
damn missed that :(
4 x 2 mins = about ~ 8 mins per day.. not so bad..
2 mins????? he cheated and used viagra than, doubt he could ever make it longer than 30 seconds
under rollen som phe gyn. så skulle jag nog kunna dra en gissning att något är fel och ger dig rådet att komma in på mottagningen ögonaböj.
Out on bail? :-/
is he using roids again?
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