wtf mIRC nerds...
7 Feb 2010, 19:07
Sick and tired of like 10+ queries every 30 mins of people saying:
Is it some virus or what cus its rly fuckin annoying :|
Is it some virus or what cus its rly fuckin annoying :|
ignore -pntid $nick
closemsg $nick
problem solved
and how can i add another message
they are sending messages with "Go #pracc" now
on *:TEXT:*GO #pracc*:?:{
and it'll still work.
ps. GO #Seanza
(I know you're already there)
(19:30:25) (-sBNC) Sun Feb 7 19:03:26 2010 gIZZAR0] (~gizzar0] GO
(19:30:25) (-sBNC) Sun Feb 7 19:16:11 2010 Glempa8] (~glempa8]@ GO