PB update on Server

To all the Serverpros on CF:
I always get the following error when i try to run the pbweb file on my server:
PBWEB v2.2
This program is (C) Copyright 2002-2005 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed.
If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster.

If you experience a problem with this program, please visit our support center
at http://www.evenbalance.com.

Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web
Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel)
Resolving www.evenbalance.com
Resolved to
Checking for PB Client updates
Game: et
Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait)

**ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found

Attempting to download htm/la-00001.htm (please wait)

**ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found

Attempting to download htm/lc-00001.htm (please wait)

**ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found

Checking for PB Server updates
Game: et
Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait)

**ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found

Attempting to download htm/ls001759.htm (please wait)

**ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found

File already exists: htm/wa001382.htm
htm/wa001382.htm successfully converted to dll/wa001382.so
Removed dll/wa001382.so - not needed
File already exists: htm/la001382.htm
htm/la001382.htm successfully converted to dll/la001382.so
Attempting to download htm/ma001382.htm (please wait)

**ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found

Attempting to download htm/wc002213.htm (please wait)

**ERROR from Web Server: 302 Found

Attempting to download htm/lc002213.htm (please wait)

Would be nice if you have a solution
/kill ?
pbweb is outdated
play without pb or upload your pb folder via ftp
try pbsetup omg
pbsetup or pb_Sv_update
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