Suuuuuperbowl LXIV

Good morning everbody!

Oh its been an awesome night, honestly it s been a great match and a really deserved win by the Saints!
I have had a great eve with Austria n3co and Austria wiruz and some random FIFA superstar (gimli). Played some poker and watched the superbowl, simply had a wonderful time.

Now i m at work for already more than an hour since i decided to not go to bed and directly work down my hours for today.
Slowly i m getting a little tired but i guess coffee will do its job and keep me alive.
The only shit i got problems with is the nervous hands i get from those masses of coffein... And guess what,... today i only have to fit some LED-boards with components and braze it and i just need a steady hand for it :D
fun incoming

what do you guys think about the match?
maybe someone from United States of America New Orleans in here?
have a good monday

shoutouts to our company`s Poland coffeemachine... CU!
tried to find a team that wanted me as merc all night was way more fun
i'm avi in few weeks

make klan?
i could play with you all night along
rawr, its a deal!

our clan name is Curly Wurly!
hi v1esiek
hi mr. goldenvoice swAn
hi, im vent with the fucking master loekino lmao. and im saying HI And he answer HI to me back
i said hoi, not hi!!
Om om om omlet
I was thinking about going to sleep, when it was halftime. Lucky me, I didn't. GG saints, rose like a phoenix, didn't expect that. Still, the last superbowl was more thrilling.
i think that one was better :)
I fell asleep. :(
you missed teh awesome matchturning interception
lebt Austria Pain noch?
kA das letzte mal hab ich ihn auf der cdaplan vor 2 jahren gesehen :<
der ist bestimmt schon 4-mal verheiratet und hat 9 kinder xD
glaub ich nicht :D
he fucking pwnz!
was fun night indeed! :D
great game!
the 1 1/2 hour of sleep i had after you were gone are helping to stay awake at work (until now) xD
boa ey ich hab grad über 3 stunden platinen bestückt und bin dabei gute 3 mal beinahe eingeschlafen :D
haha :D so org is bei mir noch ned, erst mal mittagessen, und cola trinken dann gehts schon wieda
I fell asleep. :(
saw the first 3 minutes tho 8D
couldn't watch, had early morning :(
Manning played very well so far and I wouldn't blame him for the interception coz in the moment of the pass,the receiver was in a good position. I also expected more long distance passes of the Colts, but Addai played very well...
Anyway,deserved win for the Saints!

[ger]Ich weiß nich,wie dus angeschaut hast,aber bei uns kams aufm öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender ganz ohne Werbung,auch die Kommentatoren waren ganz gut. Is halt schon ne hässliche Uhrzeit! :D[/ger]
Aufm ersten waren die Kommentatoren irgendwie leise ?
Manchmal kamen seltsame hintergrundgeräusche mit rein, ja :P
also wir habens am ORF1 geschaut. ORF 1 is immer ohne werbung und das is auch gut so. Waren nur zwischendurch immer die coolen "Pick me" clips.
Ja kommentatoren waren ganz okay, zumindest mal so richtig wie sichs gehört mit 3 typen die dann wirklich über das spiel diskutieren und die situationen auswerten und nicht einfach nur "der passt zu dem" labern.
fell asleep during halftime.
I'm very passionate about NFL football and I hate Super Bowl Sunday. I would probably enjoy it more if I were a European and not everybody watched it. I can't stand all the fake fans... most of them only watch one or two games a year and more still wouldn't be able to name any players inducted into the Hall of Fame the day before. They cheer enthusiastically for one team or the other and will tell you something like "I've been a Saints fan forever, my grandmother lived in New Orleans" when you question their fandom. Sorry but Kentucky wasn't rife with Saints fans until yesterday. I'm glad I kicked it at home for a change, it was nice to take in the spectacle that is professional football without a bunch of women and retards yelling about something they don't understand. Shout out to #nfl too ;)
why dont just enjoy it ? :) actually i would call myself a fan of this sport but is still have no idea about the most names/ hall of famers/ what ever. just watch the game and beeing fan of a team which plays very nice.
ok i wouldnt tell someone im a fan since forever just cause this team is good now, but still u dont have to know all the names and stuff to just enjoy a good game.
I do enjoy football without cheering, I've been doing it since the last time I was in Cincinnati and lost my voice trying in vain to cheer my Bengals to their first playoff victory in 20 years. I can't bring myself to cheer for a team that I have nothing invested in, but I still love the game of football. People who have to cheer for a team to enjoy themselves don't have an appreciation for the sport and should know their place, which is sitting down quietly and taking in the game. I wouldn't walk into a bar in Rio de Janeiro during a World Cup match with a green and yellow shirt on spouting shit about how much I loved Brazil. I would probably sit there and try to learn something.
well i ve to say that i usually cant follow the whole nfl, its always on times in europe, where nobody has the chance to frequently follow the couverage and i am interested in the GAME and not in the results.
I m glad we annually got the chance to get together and watch the superbowl but we simply watch it as what it is, an awesome football game it i think its just the beauty of the sports that keeps us interested.
i didnt even have a clue who the competitors yesteday were and i honestly dont care. it was a fantastic game and i m looking forward to the next year
That's what I like to hear. I think there's a cultural difference that I can't really convey in writing... the best way I can explain it is I think a lot of people feel social pressure here (about 50% of America watched this Super Bowl) and the majority of those people don't really care about the game. I'm really glad to see the NFL gaining popularity in Europe again. I have a feeling it would be much more popular if it weren't called "football." All in all, it is a beautiful sport just like you said. Very glad to see you enjoy the NFL, and if you are interested in seeing more games next season I would be more than happy to give you links to good streams when the time comes.
hehe ye it was a really great eve/night :)
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