gtv - hide matchscores

some of you, especiall the ondemand ppl, requested a feature to hide scores by default so you don't know the matchscores before viewing the replay.

Since it wasnt a big hustle to implement i just did that quickly.
The new option is in the display settings of your profile.

Great, I appreciate.
good news

that will boost event-replay imho
Nice =)
Great as always
but still you have to get there over matchpage where its shown,right?
I don't know what you mean.
When you're on a matchpage you can just hover where the scores used to be and they'll show. To get to the demand-page you can either use the matchpages or the calender (where theres also no scores)
yeah,true,my fault,slept just 1.5 :)
almost forgot to say - gj ;)
make a feature to cancel all bets :p
you're doing a great job!!!
cool now i can watch every game without seeing a result :)
thx, now i dont have to cover the screen with my hand and try to click on 'View entire Schedule' :-)
hahaha used to do the same xD
Yeah same here. And then you accidently see the score when looking for the ondemand ip. AAAH!
good idea, me likes :)
make a system to search for maps, similiar to the "in lineup" thing

that would be awesome
most awesome indeed.

you're full of awesome ideas!
awesome guy = awesome ideas

what can i say!
now all we need is a feature to stop cunts spoiling in comments
just don't look at them???
nice touch well done
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