SWI ShAx | mytho ShAx

Tonight i have played a match against mytho (i am almost inactive but i merc for VgS when rizz and ryu can't play). We won 4-2 but i was really curious to see ShAx from his pov. So i started the replay and... it's so FUCKING obvious. I mean... how the fuck is possible that this guy can play as a player in cups / NC. I don't care if he is a lan proofed (i don't know him so..) or anything else. He is cheating. If you have some time to spend (or if you are a cb admin) just watch this -> http://www.gamestv.org/event/16045-team-vagrants-vs-super-mytho-crew/

1) He has some type of humanized aimbot - when he hook-up a target he doesn't miss a hit (even when there are 3 or more guys shooting at him)
2) He aims weird for almost all the match with some kind of robotic aim and his cursor movement are obvious too. Looks like he has wh too (or maybe it's the bot that tracks behind objects :D )
3) He stops playing after get pwned 2-3 times to adjust the bot
4) Some scenes are ridiculus like on Supply (mytho's defence around 10:40 with shax near the CP - mytho's attack around 8:50 he is tracking heads with a nade in the hand xD)
5) First part of mytho's defence on Supply he looks very obvious too

CB profile: http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=2955344

I am curious to know your opinions :o
ur Vegeta from DBZ?
btw you have nice aim and those shax crash whateva are obvious for me aswell
shAx is lan-proofed and not cheating, he's just very good, you should admit that some "unknown" players are good. Nerdrage detected !

PS: MElO jtm <3
avi or it never happened
At their attack on supply min 11, he tracks enemyes at cp through the gate, OBVIOUS
shAx is lan-proofed and not cheating, he's just very good, you should admit that some "unknown" players are good.

Nerdrage detected !
"unknown" players track troughwalls? sure unknown players can be good, but this guy isnt one of them;)
rly rly low humanized :X

he has been playing for ages and you decided to make a topic just now? (probably because you have never played against him) :o, but if you aim for the legs you still might never miss even if you are getting hit!

didnt pay much attention to him because let's be honest, he is fucking boring player
you failed ;)
i was kidding :P
hes playing on decent aim for a year at least, ur topic is pointless :)
Defended by staminaboy and provok, banned.

EDIT after watching : He is genuinely an idiot ingame and some scenes are obvious /thread
Vraiment la flemme de check :(
really dont understand why that is so hyped
best cartoon ever :p
ye i know my favourite cartoon also but why the 9000 part is so hyped
its just random, someone made a picture out of that and it get hyped later, nothing more :p
pls.... vegeta, you don't know him but you know dESIRE for example i guess, He was on my team 2 years ago, he won ET-CUP #8(there is 3y?) he is just playing with lower teammates than him, but in france we know him, he is really good, deserve the team-swiss. Btw he was really good at lan too ;)
hi pstarZ|Stormy <3
Hi NEDERLANDS|Spidahhhhhhh !
That's pointless

i have won cup too
i perfomed good to cdc

so if i buy a bot and i start to use it, you will never ban me because of these two reasons ?

lol :D
no.. just because you don't know him, you think its a cheater. I just want to say to you that he is one of best player in swiss, ask reaver and dabster, they will be agree.
No, i think he's a cheater for what i have seen on the ettv from his pov. You guys are just able to bust retard hackers like allu (and if i remember well tsu spotted him... admin didn't notice anything rotfl)
i think any swiss guy lost the ability to judge over cheaters after playing the nationscup with arrow 8D
Mytho vegeta krkrkrkrkr
Soldiers Without Identity is back!
thought the same :D
pmove_fixed 1 !
LoL! shAx = ex Logic player.. he aint a cheater :S He was on some LAN a while ago.. he's playing for like more then 5 years.. sMc is just a shit team exept for him & keytaro.. but thats his decision to play with them :)
Keytaro =D bises
petit con va !
if sMc is shit team, what about ur teams...
lol whats that for a stupid question :D u dont know my team :P and we've beaten sMc once in a prac game
we've beaten sMc once in a prac game
nan sérieux ?
image: serious_cat
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