How long do you sleep

How long do you sleep per night?


(6/5 mini o0)

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6 hrs max
mostly 3/4 hours every day
If I need to go somewhere in the morning then its usually 5-7h and if not, then over 12h :D!
not long enough
damn u, i replied the same :(

6-7 hours on weekdays and usually i'm nearly falling asleep all the time during lessons then... whoever says he's sleeping 3-4 hours per day is either weird or lying :(
3-4 is possible to live, cuz the less you sleep the less you will "feel" tired (can also happen the opposite to people who sleep too much, the more they sleep the more they are tired)
however over the time it will hit them back in a bomerang
totally agree on that point. i am still waiting for the boomerang :(
+ fucking 1
~8 hours on school days, can be over 10 hours on weekends :)
if i have to wake up at the morning 4/5. but if am working then approx. 10/12 hours :x
14, except for one day in the week: 5, guess what, thats today...
dont u follow one of the golden bodybuilding rules anymore? :)
not enough!
i always try to sleep more than 6-7 hours, but somehow i fail... at weekends i sleep like 9-12
I had to sleep 2 hours today :'(!!!! School gives you bad health imo
tonight: 1 hour more then planned, I frikkin hate it when I oversleep (felt good though)
Usually I sleep around 4-5 hours a night weekdays and around 14 in weekend ;o)
Generally 5h
6 on school days
10 on weekends
3-5 school days, 6-14 weekends
4-7 on university days
8-12 free days
5-7 hours on school days and 10+ hours on weekends
5 hours in weekdays, in weekends sometimes 6 XD
normally around 7 hours, on weekends somtimes 10+ :D
i live in poland, we dont have watches here and time and all of that shizzle drizzle! im just sleeping whole winter but this year i woke up too early.
4-5 , now 9-10 due to medical situation
depends when university starts this day: 5-8 hours
weekend: ~ 8 hours
holidays: 10+ hours possible

today i had 5 hours -.-
omg risee has risen
I hate sleeping a lot if I for example one day sleep over 7 hours I feel totally dumb cause I missed so much.
5 hours,sometimes 30 minutes longer :D
8-9 hours, if i sleep less then i cant wake up till did the 8-9 hours of sleep this is no joke have some kinda undetected disease or w/e
8-12 hours

a lot less sometimes
5-7h during the week
weekend depends
5-8 in the week - depends when uni starts, on weekends 8-12
depends. sometimes 14 hours sometimes just 2.
I go sleep at 0:00 and my alarm goes at 04:00, then i go to work.
6-9 depends on day
usually in the range between 5-7 hours. in the weekend a lot more though.
3-5 on weekdays and like 14 over the weekend :)
most days 6 hours
some days 9-10ish hours
some other days 12ish hours
so many trolls!

i think i'd DIE if i dont get alteast 8hours sleep a night
5-6h on week days, 3-4h at weekends
not long enough
around 6 or 7 sometimes 12? :D
yea when i sleep with my wife it only takes 2 hours because we are busy, isn't it ?
where is the OVER 9000 comment?
usually 4-6 hours
30 minutes last week on monday :x
4-5 hours
6-9 h, depends on what is on the agenda
school - about 5-7h
weekend - as long as i feel need to
sleep is for girls and children
real man dont sleep
real man writes "doesn't" and not "don't" with HE.
I doesn't care
7-9 hours on weekdays, weekends like 10h, sometimes when extremly tired over 12 =P
Atm If I have to get up early ~6-7 and other weekdays + weekend 8. @ Holidays my sleep rhythm is fucked and I sleep 8-10 hours.
really interesting, scientist says that we must sleep 7 hours to get the best sleep ever.
6-8 hours probably.

Non-weekdays up to 14 hours \o
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