controversial case..

Well, i stayed at home today, because i don't feel well, it seemed like it's going to be a normal day, but i was wrong. While sitting in front of my computer and chillin' someone pmmed me, and introduced me to VERY CONTROVERSIAL case. At first i was like 'care' but when i read more details and i was shocked...

So, as we know there will be CiC7 next month, lots of skilled teams/players, but one player does not match there i think. It's PolandAnatolik, who is playing for PolandPerception. I'd really like to see this team, i'm looking forward to spec some players, but Anatolik's case is kinda weird. Just take a look

1 player, 9 banned accounts ? That's pretty weird isnt it? Ofc i don't have to tell you that ip matches etc..

The question is, why Tosspot allowed such a player to play on LAN? Maybe we should allow all banned players play @ lan? Why are we doing exeptions ? I'd really like to know the answer.

Have a nice day, cheers
the same reason that super/ali and co played last time. they don't check each individual person thoroughly and probably assume the good work would be done by folks such as yourself.

testament to this community you are!
Wat lul je? Ze hebben gewoon alles gespeeld xd
you heard wrong :D
Alsnog wat lul je
but if they wernt cheatign at LAN and they were winning, isnt that skill?
yea it is mate :) it sure is
and there it comes
the case u are talking about was zeku and motif playing for nSens i believe.
Give some proof that he cheated please
They aren't cheatbans
Yeah, one cheatban and 9 returning-while-banned's... - .- This is worst cheater I ever seen hear (noobs don't get this quote)
Doesn't squall spam that quote? Said by rymmer or something? :P
We have a winner!
So I'm not a huge noob.

Type Suspended from playing on ClanBase
Cheat type Trace of cheat (e.g. variable setting)
Created 28 Jul 2007 13:36
Banperiod 3 months

Congratz Sherlock
I was simply saying your statement is false.
QuoteThey aren't cheatbans
He served his time for the ban you mentioned, so it's safe to ignore that one...
Then you should say it like that and not ask for proofs of cheats or deny that there are no cheatbans.
How could he serve his ban if he's banned for "returning-while-banned"? I don't follow logic.
since returning-while-banned is only regarding Clanbase and not Crossfire. CF does not ban upon returning while banned. If he were banned on CF and would create a new account he'd get a ban, but if he serves his ban and returns afterwards there is no reason to re-ban him just because he did in CB.
So it's ok to trust someone who cheated, guidspoofs, disregards all rules just because it's not on crossfire :)

if he served his ban, yes.
Which he did not.

Whats the point of banning someone if he can come back next day with different name, and CF will say, fine soldier, ban served :D:D:D
welcome to the internet
what about gnajda who cheated in ec and cheating in a public/guidspoofed? It makes a total of 2years cheat bans, won't that make him eligible for the lan, since he served his cheat bans, but not his "Returning while banned?"
ye almost
Z tego co widze to ostatni raz zlapali go na czitach na poczatku 2008 roku wiec prawie 2 lata temu, reszta banow jest za wracanie bedac zbanowanym wiec chuja warte. Niech se gra, a ty przestan klapac dziobem.

Co nie zmienia faktu, ze jest cziterskim zjebem.
glupi kurwa jestes jak but :C zobacz kurwa te konta czy maja jakies powiazanie z nim :x
Parent bez kitu kurwa
Afaik he is Polandgnajda ?
you heard wrong
Type Suspended from playing on ClanBase
Cheat type Trace of cheat (e.g. variable setting)

Ban plx.
thats what Ive been talking about.
thanks and well done sloth :-)
glupi jestes a po 2 jakby kurwa nie bylo to wyjasnione to raczej by nie gral teraz w cupie i nie zostal dopuszczony do gry wiec kurwa GET BRAIN. A ip w tym kraju kazdy moze miec takie samo np. w kazdej chwili moge sobie ustawic Twoje ip guida i nick i wjechac na haxach i bedziesz banned, proste.
I proclaimed not to let them play the seedings a couple of times. Now it's time for those who didnt want to ban them earlier.
we'll see. That topic just proved some of my points tho, thanks :D !
cu @ lan...!
ye cu on the pics :-)
hahahhahahahaha oh come on please, he is the lowest of their team, he surely isnt cheating ; D! and this cheat entry i sooooooooooo old : @
gnajda will be happy to read this since he served his "cheat bans" :)
he came back while banned on cf ;)
even Anatolik? He created 259085209 cf accounts, with some excuse that i can't remember, but was smth like he didnt know what he was doing or forgetting pw dunno
considering that his original account was banned for multi accounting after the date that the email server was fixed which would have allowed him to get his password if he had really forgotten it before, thats possible

<he wouldnt have been able to get his old pw for quite a while as the mail server was borked>
fake accounts

gotta catch em all
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