Impressive spectator-view project

Lithium - Visualizing Competitive Behaviors in Multi-User Virtual Environments

This is an impressive spectator-view enhancing project that seems to have been left in the shadows a long time ago. Nevertheless, the concept is quite nice and I think seeing something like this in ETTV would be a very nice thing.

I recommend you to download and watch the video from the website.
I recommend you to delete this journal.
Wow, looks cool
brb logging on my 2001 comp to watch, don't trust finnish people


Too much shit on the screen imo, nice idea though. I like the FOV thing, but the FOV changes with the player settings, don't know if there's any prob with implementing that. The shooting feature is nice too. The lines where the people went just make it too confusing.
interesting idea, could be a nice addition to the default in-eye-view to get an overview.
im most skilled spectator in the et history.
wanna 1v1 spec offi today?
QuoteReturn to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

thesis failed. repeat studies :)
i got a question:
when i click on the link, it wants to open the the .avi in a browser, while i actually want it to be downloaded on the pc. where is the setting i could change?

Opera and Firefox its the same. i guess its some plugin or smth?
just click on it by right mouse button and choose "save target as"
i know that, but its stupid :/ i want to click on it and it downloads.. why should i adapt to the tool and not the other way around? :)
Well, there isnt any tool like you looking for. It's better for ppls with fast connection because they don't need to download the .avi and they watching it in full quality... But polish connection > all...
I got 8 Mbit, so it aint a prob for me :)
so i even dont know why you mind about downloading it...
i just dont want to watch it in browser. i think its fair enough. its not about downloading, cause when you watch it in browser you also have to download it, only that it is temporary. and its surely programmable the way i want it, just i dont know how :)
Oh god :D there isn't any way to "programmable" your lazy :D Its just about to click rpm and choose save as target:D
You cant get that font on windows, can you? The one from the pdf (title)..
so basicaly improved map
The guy actually promised to share his source with the ETPro team back in the day, but afaik they couldn't get in touch with him after he finished his paper.

Original SD thread.

bani: "we'd be happy to incorporate this into etpro"
nate: "I'll contact you about it later"
The thread in the ETPro forums indicates that when he contacted bani later on he had too much on his hands, especially regarding new features in etpro, and lacked the time to try to incorporate something like this into the mod.

It doesn't matter though what happened. Too bad this wasn't ever used in ETPro :<.
brb logging on my 2001 comp to watch, don't trust universities
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