QUESTIONS // workout gym

hi my dear crossfire!
i got a few questions to ask and maybe you are in a position to give me proper answers, maybe u even know someone who would like to do this.

ill just start right ahead:

workout center / gym:

1) How many times per week should i go there for now?

im at the very start. today was my third time visiting a fitness center (2 times for trying long time ago). I dont have any cramps now neither i had them the last times nor ever in my whole life (except some exceptions :)

2) What kind of fast morning sport do you recommend?

im always in a hurry, usually in the morning mostly. push-ups?

3) Do i always have to push OVER the limit?

i heard you always have to get aches and cramps and thats when your bodybuilding starts to really work out so help me here too pls

4) If 3 = Yes: How do I get more discipline?

5) lifting weights (any kind), 10 times 50 kg, a little rest, 10 times again and so on?

with that thing you pull over your back i can get 10 times 70 to 80 np. i gotta say i got some potencial from my heritage, Serbia, so there is some basic strength in me, im closely lifting the same stuff my friend is, and he was doing this stuff half a year ago, tough he quit tough having absolutely no time.

Its not my goal to become like
image: bodybuilder
In austria we call guys like this a "CORNETTO"
Cornetto.. you might well know it too as
image: cornetto12
its simply ugly :/

im not doing this for anyone´s opinions neither i care about what other people think. i look good enough and my body aint that bad (a little clumsy tough <3). I want to do it because i just WANT to do it :) .. and the discipline <.<

besides that i eat to much the last days working out should negate it.

so much for this journal..feel free to simply respond with

Quote1) Do this, do that blabla

flame on thanx
for your first couple weeks your going to be really sore the day after your workout will suck but still work out :) i just work out 4-5 times a week back/biceps one day, triceps/chest, shoulders/traps, then cardio one day, abs. I usually try and stay in that cycle then change it up after a month. mostly whatever works for you and what you can do in the week to balance life/working out. gl
might i ask how long u train there?
e: i mean per session
I usually go for an hour when I go depends what im doing, cardio swimming is probably the best thing to do so ill probably go swimming for 45 mins and then dont want to do anything after cause im so tired :P eating right is probably the biggest thing to do I rarely eat fastfood/stuff and limit drinking beer.
i dont like swimming dont know to much efforts for me i suppose. ya well the eating and the beer.. i hope there is some possibility of a combination xD...strongbow got much more sugar too!
i tryed to stop drinking beer just vodka but sometimes its hard :D
i drink coke & vine anyway
thank you
image: bodybuilder

thats just ugly..
yep very ugly he has to get pro clothes, can't walk like other people etc ...
i hope u know this pic is fake ^^
I spoke to people in general :p
i remember when i went to the gym for the first time in about 4 months, them aches and pains really hurt me for like 3 days. ;p work on your upper body first with about 20 mins on treadmill, then next month switch it to lower body and 20 mins on treadmill, next month switch etc. thats how i'd do it for the whole year i guess.
Im quite fond of mixing the equipment (i dont know shit what builds which part of your body up ....yet) 5 minutes here 5 minutes there..15 on the treadmill (for today at least, there was still stamina for some more, i ran a few minutes on speed 14 in the end x)) there is enough fat to burn everywhere :D
thank you
Don't forget that food is really important if you want to have more body. (chicken!)
But if you do it just for strength, just have some fun & try around with days.
Easiest way is to go every other day. (monday-wednesday-friday-sunday-tuesday...)

When you get little fissures in your muscles, that's when the rebuilding starts & what will make you bigger. Be carefull in how far you go with this though.
i got a strong body np the food aint problem i eat like a bull :D
you can see pic in profile still not fat :P
Download a copy of THIS book. It should explain things a whole lot better than most wnb nerds on here
Basic Barbell Training?
Are you serious?
No, really i mean the question
maybe niether do you
it's the best program for starters (except for the fact the excercises are more complicated, however on low weights it's a total joke)
and for the OP, i suggest you to get the hell out of here and listen to none in here, pretty none here can give u good advices, go into some bb site in your country or gym and get an proper training program
ya 2bad im fitness instructor, and my body looks 10times better than yours
lol im a gym trainer, and i have 3x your mass? you are an skinny my ass (btw it's a childish arguement, leave it)
haha pics pleasexD
good idea to ask crossfire xD
1) its personal thing and do what you feel comfortable. id say 3 times a week is ok for start. monday wednesday friday is have been really good for me and i have tryed 2,3,4 and 5 times a week training but that didnt work out for me.

2) jogging if you have enough time

3) no. you have to push what you feel good and necessary for start.

4) make a training program/routine to yourself

5) if i where in very start of training weights i would do everything on gym and trying new moves. but main goal is to keep training on balance that you dont overtrain your biceps and forgot your legs.
jogging is a good idea thank you
hmm program routine..that will be hard to get
if you got any trainers there with knowledge ask them about the different kinds of training (like maximal=using all your strenght for just a few times or durational/conditional=using 65% of your strenght for 40-50 times)

Let them make you a plan, like doing shoulders and arms on monday, go running on tuesday and go for lower body on wendsday and do your legs on friday.

Hope you dont go to one of those fkin gyms where they hire random ppl as "trainers" after sending them to a lil training for 3 days.
it actually is a gym like that guess why i dont bother asking them ;)
im only there cause it is € 20,-- a month :D
i recommend u to find a good bodybuilding forum and read and ask ur question on it, coz there ar too many important things u should know about the right trainingsplan, what involves expecially the right food plan. And dont do a big mistake listening nerds on this site ^^. Even if u get here some good usefull advices u get far not enough info 2. too much wrong info. Just do what i suggested u!
im at the very start ... with that thing you pull over your back i can get 10 times 70 to 80 np.

with you being at the very start:
you're doing it wrong.
its not like i can do this more than once :D
if you could do it a couple of times ~3 you'd be right about strength. but 10 reps at the start seems like wrong execution of movement
war nur für testing proposes i know ;)
ernährungsplan trainingsplan etc bla wird ein bissl dauern
try again at :) its also important if you only want to gain strength and mass, or want to look ripped.
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