need electronica pre-listeners

Hey guyz!

Im producing electronic music [progressive trance mainly + some chillout songs for demo-group], I'm in need of some guys who listens electronica actively and can give constructive criticism :)

School ends soon so I have time for music so I havent got finished tracks yet but many in progress.

So if you think that you are person who I need, pmme @ irc (nick: satsel) or here and I will contact you when I need feedback :)

image: music&mac_icon

ps. superblanik dont contact me ;)
Just make a journal everytime you have made something, Crossfire is full of professionals.
:)) why because ur affraid that im becoming better than u?:D btw im the right person u should ask, listening electronic music for 12 years :)
and still you havent reached further then trance, very impressive indeed.
riittääks ku kuuntelee prodigyy ;D
ask sblnk , he is pretty good imo.
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