So, we were discussing how the last 12 months was dire for music (BLACK EYE PEAS ANYONE?), when Meez decided to leap to 2009's defence.

"2009 was an amazing year for music", he protested, "you guys don't know what you're talking about!"

According to Meez, this utter bag of shit was the crowning jewel of music in the last 12 months:

Fuck you Meez. Fuck you, Newbridge and your shit music.

image: 22454_369265990173_776875173_10283400_1129104_n
Don't diss Meez for having an excellent taste in music.
youre such a hater baggiez.
unexpected its something ive never heard of, it is from meez after all
yeah right i was praccin

only this was good this year

CYNE - Water for mars

best hip hop album of 2009
rather listen to JEDWARD than that

this is the most BULLSHIT song!!!!!!


fucking retard nerd incest kindergarden music for mentally disabled ppl! -_________________________________________________________________________-
It's been quite a decent year in extreme music tbh. Maybe not when it comes to milestones that are gonna be on top forever but still quite a lot of good and very good CDs came out both in [put prefix here]core (for instance Wormrot, Magrudergrind, Mumakil were really fine Converge didn't do bad either) or metal at all (General Surgery, Nile, Anaal Nathrakh, Ulcerate, Sons of Otis, even Slayer did quite well)... oh but maybe there was one fucking huge milestone: Sunn O))) - Monoliths & Dimensions - yep, it's been a good year for BWWWOOOO)))AAAAHHHHHH
good job, you managed to miss out on a lot of good albums :)
I only mentioned the ones I liked the most, that's not everything I heard from 2009 >.> though you're probably thinking of some shit melodic DM or folk crap so yeah I guessed I might have missed that.

not really, i was thinking about blek methulz
Bah I'm not really into black metal lately. Just keepin' to them old trusty Mayhem, Darkthrone, Infernal War and a few others.
so i suppose you wouldn't like to listen to some good atmospheric bm records? :(
Why not, I don't have anything against that, I just took different stuff on my aim lately, but I don't have anything against some good shit BM if you can provide it.
blut aus nord - memoria vetusta ii: dialogue with the stars
drudkh - microcosmos
the ruins of beverast - foulest semen of a sheltered elite
wolves in the throne room - black cascade

you must listen to these four.

these were good aswell:

arizmenda - within the vacuum of infinity
wolves in the throne room - malevolent grain (well that's an ep, but who cares)
xasthur - all reflections drained
shining - klagopsalmer
peste noire - ballade cuntre lo anemi francor
at 1:00 dick in her mouth quick!
Marina & The Diamonds <3 <3 <3
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