played against GOD

hi tonight we played with some random polaks and he received and 4headshot from sten (-160hp) + 11normal hits from sten (I dont count the hits before fighting vs covops) so totally 358damage received and still fuckin live :D maybe some god comand or something like this :DD

pl.PumAA 0BCCC2C80508EF8B904E5CB3CFF27F444486F198
God is polak everybody knows about this.... its common fact... cant see why you're surprised
that gun have hitsounds bugs
/give health 4000
server cheats were on (sv_cheats 1)

so what Green_Clon said
"hi tonight we played with some random polish trash"

stopped reading there
says a guy who puts so much effort for busting cheaters (aka random polish guys) that nobody cares of.
he was playing vs random polish and he's surprised they were using god mode? ofc i stopped reading.
It depends on the range: close is mostly 3 headshots is instant death.
Medium range is 4 or 5 hs.
Long range is mostly 9 or 10 hs I noticed.
And yes if you google you could find it how range affects damage etc.

also headshots with helmet was something like 50 hp I dont know for sure im gambling on it..and without 90 or 100 hp.
Also the guns damages are different..( luger / mp40 - thompson / colt).

EDIT : remember the longer the range the less hitpoints you will hit of your opponent.
"Long range is mostly 9 or 10 hs"

More like :XD @ you, because Amy is 100% right about that.
Let's go and find the biggest gap we can find in a competitive map, and you go ahead and give me 27 bodyshots. That's a joke. I can agree on the fact that damage decreases with the increasing range of the enemy, but that extent is just too much.
He and I never said anything about 27 bodyshots.

You made that up yourself.

The 9-10 hs part, which is what he said, is absolutely correct. With Sten you do need over 9 headshots to kill a full HP enemy at long range.

Example: 0:44 at
What the... excuse my faggotry, but I've never seen that before. :O
That's because there basically is no long range shooting in competitive maps, even radar is mostly "further middle range"... it changes a lot when it goes beyond a certain point (headshots stop doing almost any damage)
he used adre.
damage falloff :|
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