HoN :3

Ok so HI!

I was just wondering who here on crossfire plays HoN.
If you could just leave ur psr n stuff we could maybe play a 'Crossfire Ingame'.

My psr is 1500++ with 1.2kd atm
and no, i'm not a killstealer or smthing.. got around 5+ kills and 8+ assists per match :3 I can get 1600+ with some decent players in my team.

So yea, leave a comment and maybe we can play together smtime :D
nick + fav char?
klashkop & jonastyyyy

supportive all the way, like tempest, electrician, demented shaman for example are those i always play with my team :D
Total Wards Used: 0
1600+ isnt decent, i play 1700 games and there are ALWAYS retards ruin the team. Every 1/10 game it might be playable but often you get 1+ who whines, nerdrage etc. -_-


I started to care about my psr (you know I needed higher one, to play with better ppl)... So I got my 1600, and started playing with guys 1600+ now I am playing only with morons, retards and fucking stealers (who just hits once to steal my frag - it was okay when I was winning the games, but it started to annoy me when we were losing and I had stats like 4-10-34)...
You think that there won't be retards in the retail version?
Well not so many as in a free beta where they dont give a shit about their accounts. Alot of people got like 4-5 accounts :|
I have 27 :(

But, I have also bought the game
Buildings Razed: 235881

Total Gold Farmed: 1814646
Total Gold Spent: 2453958

ok? :-D
name's hAkzz
I have shit psr (like 1300 or smth) cause i cannot get rid of this shit, at every single game i have more kills than deaths but for example 2 guys are feeders (0-20) or another 2 disconnects and im loosing fucking game, im rly pissed off. I mean even when Im on some winning spree, next game is fucked up and im loosing everything what i've just earned
At 1300 you should be winning twice PSR as much as you're losing.

Might be worth reading some guides
looks like u're wrong
Well, if you're playing other 1300 rated players then ok you'll have equal PSR at stake but 1300 rated players are SO BAD that if you read just a few basic guides then you'll quickly pull out of that rating bracket
Im not sure if you understood my first post here

+ im getting kicked from better games cause i have too low psr :XD
I half understood it. But I stand by what I said.
I don't know anyone on Crossfire better than me
I'm on my phone I can't reply with a John Locke! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Also, Meez is shit. Last night I was bloodbathing it up as Lightning and there was some major dog feed and we lost.
Bet you're gutted.

Who did he play as?
Feedmus. Shuki was Feedbringer. We had a Dark Feed as well but that bitch got kicked
image: 5u3g9h

play LoL fool
Sure, you could, if you wanted to play a poorly balanced game on a TERRIBLE engine.
more fun, less whine, at least equally balanced + talent tree makes it even better
I don't find it hard to believe there is less whine but that's not exactly to the games credit.

Personally, I only have fun if the game I'm playing is actually any good, which LoL ... just ... isn't. For a game with such emphasis on minor movements and responsiveness, LoL's engine is truely woeful; it is SO unresponsive and sluggish.

In 2 weeks of playing, EVERY SINGLE GAME was ruined because of how badly the engine crippled the gameplay.

Talent trees make the game more rewarding for how long you play, which is just pampering to the WoW crowd who want to see their time investment as in-game benefits.

Don't get me started on Blink on every hero (HAHAHAHAH) or the cheap UI.
Actually, I don't have time to check this site 24/7 unlike most people here.

I agree that the engine is 'sluggish', but that doesn't ruin the gameplay at all.
Give more details on how your games were ruined because of the engine...
I guess you just raged and /quitted cuz it didn't work exactly as you hoped (it's not HoN).

It's true that the talent tree is a throw at the WoW (and other MMORPG's) crowd, and it worked.
Nevertheless, the talent tree makes the game so much more fun than just DotA or HoN or any other consort because you can adjust your heros to your own playstyle (defensive, aggressive, hit 'n run).

Blink on every hero is kinda meh. I agree there.

The UI is not cheap. It just fits the more cartoony look of LoL.
The engine ruins the gameplay because the game revolves around micromanagement. What more needs to be said?

I went into LoL open minded, if anything, I wanted it to be very good (competition for Dota/HoN means improvement). However, due to the engine, the game will never amount to anything competitive, imo.

The response of the Dota community has spoken louder than I could, splitting the competitive scene and public scene between Dota Allstars & Newerth. LoL hasn't had a look-in.
I don't follow the community so I have no idea what the (ex-)dota community thinks.

I just know that HoN has a couple of really overpowered hero's, and LoL seems much more balanced.
Well maybe balanced is not the right word. You can't 2shot people after 10 minutes in the game like you can in HoN atm.

Also, I only play these games at medskill max, so I don't know what highskill games are like.
You can't 2 shot people in HoN after 10 minutes.

When balancing 60+ heroes, sure, some will be slightly more powerful than others, but all heroes have counters. You pick your team to have balance, no one individual will ever be too powerful - UNLESS, you let said hero farm items all game, which doesn't happen if you know how to play yourself.

Your percieved overpowered heroes are not overpowered.
1640 psr
0% em :D
never played random games though
lol, I'd say its most important thing to do
anyways, i see this wards stats doesn't work, I have 0 placed too :)
i get a feeder / ragequitter on my team every game. i dont play carry.
i stoped playing AP games caus of everytime i play AP i got at least 2 idiots with negative k/d who tkae carriers like dark lady and sand wraith in 1 team so the game is lost anyway.

AR is the game mode for wnbe pros like me:) ( even though i got no micro and if i get wildsoul/ ophelia the game is very hard for me).

if anybody is up for a hon right now, how is not a stupid wnbe carry picker and can teach me something, add me :rml_
hi, I'm pro.
+/- 1700 1.8kd (had 2.1 but stopped playing em-scout games :D)
PSR doesnt really say much if you play public games.
KD>1 is better.
pm me ingame if u want have some cf ingames :O
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