Who is this guy ?

huNTI !: siMooN
huNTI !: le kankernob
huNTI !: u noob
SIMOON: who'r U?
huNTI !: proplayer
huNTI !: ?
huNTI !: tu noob
SIMOON: and what's your nick?
huNTI !: hunti
huNTI !: low
SIMOON: don't know sorry
huNTI !: stfu random

If you can give me some info on this guy like ex nick or ex clan. Because I have really no idea who he is.

Just know This cF account and this one are banned.

image: math
As if those girls look 17.
and 16 + 0 is legal
he's a cheater.
random cheater probably..
yeh cool
seems like you need hits
im sorry but this was to tempting and i could not resist :DD
u wanna punch him?
unknown twat, move on
its not 'juste' like in french, its 'just'
i guess he is a random busted cheater
hes a retard that i know
he s kinda leading the highscore in times getting busted
Only got busted once, bro :)
hes a random cheating nolifer who is random flaming on cf.
if you speak him again, tell him he has to get cancer and die painfully:D
RANDOM RANDOM?????? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD keep on highlighting me 14y/o kid, i'm not the one telling me to play all the time with me, huh? sorry but i dont play with lowZZZZZZZZZ
you see random useless flame, I dont even understand his statement or wtf hes trying to tell me
Are you so stupid than? At age 14years u must of learned something, right? And if u call that flame than ur even more retarded than i though ":P"
hes a proplayer !:DD <33333333
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