[hon] need good build

Ur build for Hellbringer and Polly?

You currently have 35 characters.
never played them :|
boots , nome , sheepdick
nullstone with every singe hero!
screw the others. buy invis, buy codex, have patience, wait for codex killsteal. easy as cake

when it comes to polly though its quite important to realize what ur team needs.
play him with support items or go for mana and resto to be the one pushing lanes.
they both suck

go for arachna
my Hellbringer:
- 4 mana pots
- 2 pretenders crown

- marchers
- great arcana

- restoration stone
- harkons

my Pollywog:
- 4 mana pots
- blights
- courier

- marchers
- glowstone

- staff of the masters
- restoration stone

Those are the builds i go with :3

Though survivability is an issue on Pollywog so I'd recommend getting 2x Str bracers and skipping Staff of the Master in favour of a STAFF OF WHIRLWINDING.

Skill build, Pollywog:

Hex & Ulti onwards

Skill build; Bringer of the Hell:

Death Boil
Voiding of the Life
Death Boil
Slow spell of which name I have forgotton
Death Boil
Death Boil
Slow & ulti onwards
I dont buy stormspirit on polly anymore, the ult is easy to place now :3
No harm in guaranteeing the trap, plus the MS is a brucey
true dat true dat :3
why not get a a level of pollymorph for ganks alt vindifag deharass?
Yeah probably should. It's worth it if you have a manatube/bottle but otherwise it's high mana.
I would change hb build to 1 point in slow as your first point and then leveling dot+void. Especially if ur going for firstblood.
If you get slow at level 2 then you won't have any health regen until level 4. Bad.

Hellbringer really isn't a first blood hero; he should be babysitting or laning solo.
He isn't fb hero, but you can use him for it. And lvl 1 void is so low, only 10%, thats nothing compared to the first level of the slow that is 30% slow. Level 1 void is almost useless for regen. And 30% slow is huge in the begin.
lvll 1 void can get you from 10% to full :/
10% of the damage taken heals yourself, which is never from 10% to full.
Just tested. Got from 62 hp to 534 at level 2.

image: j5a886
Ye nice, in what situation did u use it? And level 2? :')
I was level 2, so Life Void level 1.

Creeps at my tower [which they would be as solo], Life voided all creeps, autoattack + tower = nomnomnom HP
Ok, in that situation, but that's only when your solo and at your tower. When your solo, their creeps aren't at the tower all the time. Also, hb is a great babysitter as you mentioned, so then the creeps won't be at the tower all the time. So as babysitter I would play slow/dot/dot/void etc, maybe as solo lvl 1 void over slow, but I won't pick it over lvl 1 slow. Also because harassing in the solo lane before level 5 is useless, because you need the CK over harass. So you won't get harassed that much. But it's not bad, just not my choice.
HB skillbuild depends on lane very much, both DoTslowDoT and DoTvoidDoT are possible

polly is always shackle nuke nuke hex nuke ult nuke maxhex
4 war factories MCV sell
Shadow Form
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