Sup my Friday dawgZ???

You /cf/ honeys!

It's Friday at last! All week I've been obsessing over a video I posted in one of my recent journals: Die Andtwoord - Zef Side

So friends, what's the plans for this evening? Some ET mixes? Parties? baCk frOm tEEEh cLUb journals? I'm gonna eat some Chinese food and maybe nerd some BFBC2 or something. Got work tomorrow :[

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image: brosis
image: rndwtf
image: hitloller

image: deserved

Awesome song for you (right-click; Save As): (can't find this on YouTube :[ )

cu @ #Seanza my lovelies!!!

xx <3 xx
2nd pic approved.
out to see the lads for an hour or so then im back here :D
Second Chick is awesome! :o

I'll prolly do the same tonight as the guy in the GIF...
Might be the other way round,depends on the girl lol
agree what is said above me

image: krp_karaoke
Seanza incoming

wtf first random pic omg
third girl is fucking horrific
Horrific is a bit harsh. Not my kinda chick, but I gotta please everyone! THOSE TITTIESSSSS!
she also has cum on her mirror
Golden rule:
Break it before you rape it.
Going to the movies with my girl, we're 'celebrating' valentine's day tonight :).
After that probably getting some drinks and just relax a bit.

Random pics approved!
Camping for the FIRST time on Monday so im staying in and saving money since LAN is coming up etc etc.

Waiting for overboost to come back then i will be mix mix for a while!
1st time camping wtf?! It's awesome!
Everyone says that. Got cottages around the country so we used to use those.
Posh bastard!
i actually cant close that gif.
the one with the tits?
Stop fappin' then.

Look at the other one!
cant, shes fucking enchanting
kamz & hentai =)
omg you looked at her face?
Must be gay.
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