What to watch now

since im alone, home, ill spend my evening with an bottle of Goldstar and some nice movie! However, an problem has been occurred! I have few movies out of my collections which I want to see. I don't know who to choose, and therefore I need the CF heroes to help me pick once and for all, which movie shall I see tonight?

The pick is between:

The Taking of Pelham

Harry Potter Half Prince Blood (eventhough I'm not an HP fan anymore, I still want to finish the series and watch all the movies since I was a big fan and watched all the HP as soon as I could. Don't want to stop now.)

The Wrestler

Public Enemies

Funny People


Surrogates defo.
brazzers pw's polvafor
I don't watch porn
watch porn
fuck you all im going to watch pelham
Public enemies!
The Wrestler > Funny People > Surrogates > Public Enemies (didnt like) > The Taking of Pelham > Harry Potter Half Prince Blood
Get "Rock N Rolla"
fail movie, couldnt sleep more =/ im not a fan of guy ritchie, all his british movies are too weird to me
surrogates sucked, taking of pelham and public enemies were both half decent… I'd watch harry potter :D
just watched pelham, was great imo, really enjoyed...didn't recognised both denzel and travolta lol :D great acting
Watching Dexter mainly atm nothing else is really worth it!
dling dling
Battlestar Galactica too.
dling dling
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