2o2 / 3o3 OFFI now!


Query me at #vitunspeedhack and palypaly now!
and where is the random bitch?:(

image: z30763491
need stray first! :<
avi as merc
dont need :-D
its 11 in the morning oO
so what, i just got home from my gf's and wanna play now. How come ET is so dead that there's no other 2 players to play 2o2 offi vs me?
maybe because not everyone got uo at 9 o`clock like us 2 and still asleep?
Quoteso what, i just got home from my gf's and wanna play now. How come ET is so dead that there's no other 2 players to play 2o2 offi vs me?
failer.. terrible liar
so what is it? girlfriend or girlfriends, coz i dont think your girlfriend is bisexual. And if she is, Im loving her already
gf's = girlfriend's You sir failed.

Learn some english before beeing sarcastic. NOOB
LOLOLOL, like i didnt know. You sir failed. but i dont think you would have more girlfriends. mabye you made a mistake with 's, or mabye even with that word!
Lean some reality. NERD
Dont even have balls to admit a mistake, gtfo.
pressure is too hard for you? I thought you made a mistake with that 's because two girlfriends = gg. thats why i asked you; girlfriends or girlfriend?
But we both know you dont have a girlfriend, we both know you're a nerd, face it
okey. Think what you want ! :D I really care if u think i dont have gf! :D
pm #normality but later around 17-18 o clock
Challanged u we picked sw_goldrush_te
g0d lak with that naab Webe :x
challenged you! we picked map mordor_b666
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