Which dog?

Okey so I have a problem. My girlfriend is rly rly dog-person and she wants us to get dog and since I have nothing against dogs I agreed to it if she let me choose which one.

Only problem is that she hates my all time favorite breed (dachshund, we had one when I was kid) so she said I can pick any breed but not dachshund!!

So tell me (and add pic if you will) which is your favorite dog and if you have one tell also if its you know, clever, kind, easy, etc.

Atm im thinking about either Yorkshire Terrier or maybe white miniature schnauzer. Ps I dont want it to be too big :<

Yorkshire terrier
Miniature schnauzer
Got a sharpei myself, really awesome, but they do cost alot of money for surgery and shizzle.
the 2nd is nicee :p
sry, but small dogs are gay
you can buy some cat instead
American Cocker Spaniel - best choice! I have got these two and they are really friendly and reliable!
masz takiego pieska? bo ja tak : p
o takiego, o :
image: 9a60d9e289
chrapie jak maly traktor.
hate small dogs;c Yorkshire is very loud... he still barks...

image: 80da9e455f68820e02b8a96dea95da3f,0,1 <-- <3

same taste :)
image: Boxer_female_brown
Had him, hes already at my uncles house cuz i didnt have time to take care of him cuz im living alone :< so cat is the best option for me

Thats for wakiashi
image: Boxer_Puppies
I heard we had 2 before I was born. They fought all the time + there was dribble everywhere, especially in food & plates :D
i love them
dont they loose alot of saliva ? :S else he look nice :P
only before zeh food :XD, well boxers are tha best for me!
i have one with his tail still on :P
I got 2 atm :)
amazing dogs <3
best EVAH!
i also have boxer, he's 3 years old, pretty retarded but awesome, cannot imagine my life without him :p
Golden retriever

the others are all ugly
for me such little dogs arent rly dogs.. they got an annoying little bark and i would be afraid that when i get up and make the step out of my bed i kill that little dog.

but too big dogs are too expensive (the food, mostly problems with the back as they are too high,...).

but if you dont have a garden and rly want such a little dog i would go for the 2nd one. had such a dog too when i was 6 years old :)

also check out wikipedia if you want a "bigger" dog (i thnik 50-60cm are perfect :) ). not every dog propably suits you. there are dogs who need alot of attention and other need a garden or smth which they cna guard (well most big dogs need a garden :P ). But every dog is different. E.g. if you want a dog who also guards your house/garden think about e.g. a rottweiler. if you want some dog which doesnt know violence at all get a labrador retriever. blablabla.. wikipedia helps alot :P

image: 789px-Rottweiler

image: 320px-Gro%C3%9Fer_Schweizer_Sennenhund
ah this one is very beautiful
Terrier are so fucking annoying, they don´t learn anything and are always yipping and jumping.
tbh a yorkshire terrier is the worst thing you can get besides a chihuahua. terriers in general are fear biter! most annoying habbit of those small dogs besides the barking. i'd never get one of those. if i had to pick between the three, i'd get the schnauzer if i were you. they're not too small, loyal and don't look like an oversized hairy rat. :D

i myself got a german shepherd and a kangal. big dogs <3 :D
image: kangal3to
u for real? sure you got no polar bear or somethin?
no im pretty sure it's a dog :DD
Husky > all
yep have fun running with them every day for 1-2 hours and sit with them hours every 2nd day cause they loose alot of hairs
but still they are most beautiful dogs on planet :)
true that :)
I never had husky, but I want to get one if I'll leave alone :o>
Sweet dreams :D
You got some "up dog"?
should I say now whats up dog? :DD
That one was pretty good actually!
And btw, as it seems, everyone loves their own dog(s) so is there any
exceptions. You have/had dog you hated?
You can not like a dog for its looks, but if you have a dog and be nice and caring to it. All dogs are nice and good mates tbh. Some races might be harder to train(bigger more agressive ones)
but if your consistent also those will become nice :D
small dogs are lame

image: dsc00612hg
Be smart and don't get a dog at all!
2nd. Cute and dont have to feed it like a horse.
image: 2zqz9sl easy choice
image: cf_levi - Golden Retreiver (mine btw, died last year though :<)

super cute! I guess your gf is rather out for some real dogs (= a dog which you can pet without getting down to your knees).
Hehe, true i had one for 13 years too. it was a nice fella, but like u said heart problems started to my dog too and there started to be water in hes lungs so the animal doctor had to put the end for him. i still feel sad.
berner sennen:

image: bernersennen-26a
I had one like that but we had to let him go because he was ill :'( Great dogs :)))
bulldog ftw
doberman or boxer!
That's a cutie :) what breed is that?
corgi pembroke :P
Don't know but it's a real cutie :p)
All too small
well, you have to know something very important. More you dog is small, more he is smaller, it will hinge problem when he is old like bones blabla ... It is more likely to have cancer as they age.

I have a small dog : fox terrier crossed with king charles. He's old but he already got :
cancer of the anus (solved but you have to castrate it if it's a male and you don't want that again)
a wart on the eye (solved)
problem in the blood
problem with joints (he has a lifelong treatment)
Yorkshire terrier

got one

and it's her birthday today xD
my cocker:

image: 20769226657274338712054

or the new one :p

image: 20769226669104338712054

and please tukis,dont take that homo yorkshire terrier
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