RPGs are great


So yesterday was the day that I finally completed The Witcher. Have to say it was top5 RPGs I've ever played, interesting plot, great combat system, great atmosphere and lot's of stuff init if you try to complete everything like I did.

Overall the last 12months in front of the pc have been great since got myself back to SP games again with oblivion after a long absence (since 2003-4). After the army I had a pleasure of adventure in the worlds of dragon age and the witcher. Both that I have finished now. (Not the oblivion main quest since it sucks but all the factions in it too)

All of the above have been great experiences. What RPG are you waiting for from the upcoming titles and what are you currently playing? Thoughts about it?

And to the end, my top5, not in any specific order:
Baldurs Gate 2, Morrowind, Dragon Age: Origins, The Witcher, Fallout 2

ps. IF you know that there would be another Role Playing Game coming to PC that is based on Forgotten Realms world, please share your info!
morrowind :))))
great game
Torment, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Knights of the Old Republic > all
light or dark side? ;>
7-8 years ago I bought a pc magazine that had walkthroughs for 5 rpgs. Can recall deus ex, bg2, icewind dale and planetscape from it. Tornment got very good grades, especially the plot. Never got into it though and I think now it's a bit too late :( Can remember some floating eye though !
It was a skull actually :P Torment is older than 7-8 years, still manages to be one of the greatest games ever for me, so if you're really into good crpgs you should give it a try..
If you like old games, you should give Might & Magic a try! (Turn based, PoV RPG game if I remember it right)
There is coming an expension for Dragon Age soon! =)
And RPG's,

Diablo LoD? =)
Dungeon siege II (Takes some time to finish aswell)
Sacred 2 : Fallen Angel (Long game aswell, but quite awesome graphics once you understand how to play it)
You named hack'n'slash games more than rpg.:(
Mhh, those are the best RPG's (for me though ;D)
That's cool :D if I can suggest you something, try playing Planescape: Torment, it's pure epicness ;d
Read some about it on wikipedia now, will try to find a nice download link and try to play it in my vacation (If my GF allows me :D)
hehe, ye, you would have to tell her you're going on vacations for 2 weeks :D
Well.. the problem is she is going to "live" in my house for 1 week :P So telling her that I am going on a vacation for 2 weeks wont be a good idea ;D
finally someone who knows the difference :D

PS: fallout > * :)
(And maybe septerra core - but that one is a bit tricky with all those combinations at quests you have to try before you manage to advance :P)
how soon :p
Lemme check my e-mail :D

March the 18th.
You should check it out on the EA website ;)

Ye, nice! Can use my character from Origins, god insta pwn-age with my gear :D
whats hard about sacred? :D

1. dont take the portals
2. rape with your main char
3. ????
4. profit
The way how you aim with things etc, didn't get that at first :P but it was quite easy when i understood that yes.
Baldur's Gate 2- oh yes
i love books with drizzt, forgotten realm rocks

if u liked fallout2 try arcanum, not as good as f2 but nice to play
check divine divinity also, such a great game

I've read all the forgotten realms books which have been translated to Finnish. I have completed Arcanum, sold the game to my friend after, was good though! Also I've played Lionheart, the first chapter gave an idea that it would be a great game but after that so stupid dungeon grinding that didn't actually finish it.. I am quite sure that I was almost at the end.
tell me about it

ive stoped play lio after 1st chapter too ;p mo money!
Lionheart was simply designed bad. Nox is a way better game out of the same style of games.

Arcanum was very interesting but a bit too easy. Problem might have been that I farmed myself to max level too early and the rest of the game couldn't offer any tough situations :<
Nox, hehe :D Thats a while almost forgot that game =o
KotOR 1 & 2, Falout 1 & 2

Though when it comes to SP games I'm like coming back to it. Was doing MP for years now with small breaks for KotOR or something and now I'm totally in love with Half Life 2 (did main and Episode One, currently dlling Episode Two just can't fucking wait this game is so 1337)
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't KotOR some star wars based game or am I confusing it with an other game now?
Yep you're right, it's full name is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. If you don't dislike the star wars universe it's a kickass game.
Haven't really checked it out yet, but when I still played WoW one of the guild members couldn't stop talking about KotOR aswell :P
Heh every few months I have this unstoppable urge to finish KotOR II twice, once dark side and once light, I just can't resist! It's just the plot is really well built there(though if you didn't play any of these before it'd be better to start with the first KotOR obviously, it's more kinda straightforward with the plot - I mean when you do someything that you think is good and righteouss it is most likely gonna be like this, in the sequel it's not that obvious and black&white, can you dig it? ;) )
Ye I see, think ill have to watch some youtube trailers or so when I am home (Youtube blocked @ school >.>) And see if the game is something for me ;D
My mate hates star wars and anything that came with it, and totally loved this game.

Also >mass effect< is somewhat similar, and also pretty awesome.
The game is called "also" or??
there was suppose to be mass effect, somehow i didn't type it.

just woke up :D
Ah okei, Also didnt check out that game aswell, but somewhere I read that it contained Amors etc so I assumed it was some sort of RPG game :P
mass effect one has more rpg elements than 2 does i guess, but both are great
Downloading KotOR 2 now ;D
they should make more games like morrowind, morrowind>*
I am quite sure that if oblivion would have come out a year or two after morrowind, it would have been a HUGE hit. Now it simply wasn't that special anymore when it came out, an updated version of morrowind but doesn't have that nostalgic feeling init..

The oblivion world could have needed a small adjustment to saturation, a bit darker colors :|
morrowind is just bigger and better. still looking forward for tes5 tough, hope it will be abit darker idd and made for pc.
But morrowinds main problem was that it lacked content. I didn't like the fact that all the caves and dungeons looked exactly the same. That is where Oblivion beats it.

Nevertheless, it was still an amazing game and spent hundreds of hours to collect treasures to my apartment :D
but it had alot more guild n factions n stuff to discover + main story line was 1000x better.
Same here, my house was a huge alchemy lab:D
That isn't even an opinion

It's a fact
check books about the wticher
I was sure that I had seen RPG in another context as well :D
kotor is the best rpg ive ever played on pc.
loyal fan of Diablo-series, waiting for III to come out :x
Been waiting for it for 2 years now or so...
ye same, they're not making any progress, every 3 months they upload a new
screenshot and that's it. Played D2 LoD for 3 years or so :)
Ye... They are slow... guess WoW is more important to them! I and Monte played Diablo 2 LoD for a couple of years aswell. Its getting really boring now :x so I cba to play it :P
Ben je er vanavond ?
ja ben er @ 8
Knights of the old republic 1 and 2 (1 more than 2, but its still good)
mass effect 1 and 2 (just finnished the 2nd part and its just as awesome)

these games are seriously way better than the witcher...
try torchlight

pretty good game
KotOR and Fallout 3 without any doubts
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