even imporatander

nl Xo on 15/02/10, 15:02:46 PM | Reply

i'm so much better than al1!

hmn...well.. umn um.. uh.. oh
i agree, Xo is just great
filling your inbox
yes we can!
Hi thar :P
i agree with noone because there is nothing to agree if you dont have an opinion. you are part of the system. you work sleep and work. you dont have to do something else because everything else isnt important. you do your job, because you are made for it. you dont have to have any questions. your life is fine and you are happy. you dont have any god. your god is your boss, because he knows everything. he says always the truth. his opinion is your opinion. if he wants something from you then it isnt your job.it is your dream. it is an honour to do something for him because he knows what you need. even more then you know yourslef what is good for you.
somebody used to hurt u when u were child? thats rly sick shit
if you believe this then you are rly naiv
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