Rayzed goes CiC7

And now its offical:
I go to LAN :P
Flight booked
Hotel room paid
Got a team (still secret, wait for announcement)

Now just a few questions:
How much is food there (i mean the area where the center is, since i dont have a car)
Is there something like a grocerystore around? (to get drinks since i heard they are quite expensive in the center)

Is anyone passing Amsterdam Schipol @ Thursday, 4th at 20.30? :P

image: ranger-up-hot-chick-741514
Great player!
oO lol comment :XD
What rayzed said
random unknown german lowbob.
what a pity i cant see your ugly fuckface on lan since im not going :/
I'll take some pics, extra for you :P
oh cmon
car > plane
Well, my brother told me half a year ago, that he will need the car on excactly THAT weekend for some church stuff
There's a pizza place (they got shoarma and pasta as well), a greek restaurant and some american style bar, plus the snacks you can get at wzzrd. The prices aren't too expensive, would say quite normal for such places (well, the american bar is kinda expensive and shit). You should be able to get a normal pizza for around 5-7 euro, if I remember correctly.

The drinks are well overpriced though. I think it was actually cheaper to run up to the cinema and buy something there (and I guess you know cinema drink prices :-P).
Unfortunately the next shop is like 3 km in the city and wzzrd people are gonna throw you out, if you bring your own drinks into the LAN area.
We got a few warnings and if we brought in one more bottle, they would have disqualified us from the tournament!

Edit: You can have your own drinks outside though
I found it rather sad how strict they were with the no own drinks/food policy.
It's not like they don't get any profit from such a weekend :/

Can't remember them checking that on cc5 and earlier, just at cc6.
idd i was drinking schultenbrauer outside and then that wzzrd dude came outside to tell me its not allowed :(
Outside? :o
Afaik that was allowed. But I can imagine some tard coming outside and whine about it!
yup outside with the chair (kruk) and the table. It was a blond dude from wzzrd.
thank you.

Hmmn, so I'll have to store my drinks outside since i dont want to spend shitloads of money for softdrinks
You can still carry them around in some bag, they won't search for that. Just drink them outside :)
Yeah last time I brought some drinks I did get the warnings, even when I got something from one of the eating spots at the cinema ^^ so I decided to finish the drink outside, wasn't a problem for the crew
you got an epic team i heard :p
oh, I thought he joined up with temr
rumours... temr won t go since we all visit a musical at that weekend :))))
i lold so hard :D
sad :( but still funny xD!
and a birthday party*
:p hope you know i did not want to flame you with that :P
stalk me more!
not possible
of course not 8-)! but i dont care :p its funny. Anyway you already got a new 5th?
ye :p

you owe me some alcohol on another time now, i wont forget your promise to give me stroh! :D
Oke thats nice and fast! so i dont have to worry anymore that the team cant go!:P
Of course you get your alcohol another time, maybe next time! :D
good dont care about you not coming, but THE ALCOHOL!!!!! :(

anyway we had so many people that did want to go, was harder to choose then to find one :p
i love you too! <3 :DD ALCOHOLIC
oh oke because when i asked ana he said he didnt have one yet, but thats good. Of course everyone wants to join a nice team like TEMR! duh xd
haha :D

love dont hate you aswell even though you don t bring alcohol now :(
nice not answering my pms!
noch nicer wie du hier rumflirtest :D
take the train to enschede and eat at burger king at the station. a lot cheaper than everything else.u can also walk around the city and get drinks from there
what so funny :c
nothing :d
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