IPX on vista


So I'm trying to play a RA2 game over Hamachi, one pc a XP Home, the other Vista.
I installed the IPX protocol on Vista, but now I can't access the settings so I can change it from 000000 to 000001. :S How the fuck do I get this working?
Go to "manage network connections" make the Hamachi adapter the top connection, then make sure "auto metrics" is ticked.
do u happen to have a screenshot of that? because I'm not the one with Vista, I'm actually helping someone over msn who has a Dutch version of Vista xD
I'm using Win7 :D
Ok, so what does it actually do? I need to change that 000000 in IPX to 000001 so it notices it as a unique one or smth...
IPX shouldn't be required. I don't remember having to install it when I had similar issues (even when playing Vista vs. Vista over Hamachi).

Don't forget to make sure there are no firewalls blocking the connection. Are you both running the same version of Hamachi?
How did u get it working then? Afaik RA2 uses IPX, but if you've got another way it'd be great!

We're both on the same version of Hamachi btw, he's already in my Hamachi room.
RA2 shouldn't be any different from any other game. Hamachi is only creating a virtual LAN connection over the internet. Are you guys having problems with any other game?
Well, with RA2 it's the problem that u first have to setup the network settings ingame before you can play over LAN. You have to select the correct connection in a rollout menu, where it just lists connections supporting IPX :<
Isn't there an option for LAN game, though?
Yes, and like I said it needs IPX :P

There is some plugin for vista which removes the need for IPX, but it isn't compatible with XP, so I really need to get this IPX thing on Vista working.
Well I'm all out then. Don't have much experience with IPX.

edit: is the Vista account an admin user?
Those C&C games can be a real bitch to set up over lan / hamachi. I used to play Tiberian Sun with a friend of mine and it took us hours to come up with a working solution.

Good luck and patience, you'll need it! Or just buy the game; should make things a lot easier.
there is a file which you have to copy in your ra2 directory, it works perfect than. :)
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