[hon] 1 fact about hon

i´ve actually pwnd nearly everybody here on crossfire already except for dual and the guys i play with usually when not single raping pubs..

random question:

do you also have such a kill/assisst ratio?
image: usqgs92nszph

carrypher is best tank ever i´d say..
do you agree?
e: and oh yeah i didnt mention the pebbles with lifesteal :DD
:D:D:D komm mumble
pwn #g5PLAYA!

and come again
no i have more kills then assists normally
I usually play only for assist. I dont care abouts kills, hate guys using ulti to ks
me too but usually i ask kindly if i had some deaths that i need that amounts of kill to negate it you know i like coming out from game with at least 1:1 stats
I don't think you have.

Also, Zephyr is pretty much a sure ban unless you can first pick him.

edit: and what is wrong with pebbles lifesteal?
nice playing without me ! :(
well if you look the pebbles on my screen u get the idea of what could be wrong ;D
When we play we try and all get lifesteal. Nymphora whispering helm, pebbles whispering helm, torturer whispering helm... it's pretty good strategy.
rly? lol :D
sounds funnieh gotta try that once
cant be as good as 5 mocks tough :P
mocks dont stack ...
1 on each player ...
just stick with apem games ...
dude i played exactly 3 em games in the last 7 days and do you know why i remember those 3 em games? because they are the only em ive played for weeks and that wasnt one of those matches screened above.
jealous cunt.
but u clearly have no idea about the game so gz then
Quote by crimzon
mocks dont stack ...

mocks dont stack though
wow u so smart
i never said im good in this game i never said im smart with gamesense i never said that i play em you are flaming me for absolutely no reason and that makes you a dickhead. not me.
:D if u say so but mocks dont stack
well if it is wrong i maybe i made a mistake so what im a bad player then i didnt test it out ffs
e: it would help tough to have two mocks (for a chasing blood maybe and for zephyr)
Quotee: it would help tough to have two mocks (for a chasing blood maybe and for zephyr)

image: 1263191236789
just won another game with zeph :/
good zeph or good chronos is usually always gg..
Quotee: it would help tough to have two mocks (for a chasing blood maybe and for zephyr)

image: 1263191236789
there are no bans in AR :<
dxtri noob :D
image: nkscvhc42s4x

oh dear, play again with the 5 we played today
uhm u know that i played alone with random pubs? xD...
both times lal
Looks like apem noobs only server to me.
winner winner chicken dinner
dual noobkanker now plays with you`?
lol i just created account with beta key i found in my invite list xD
why? u jelaous?
na i cant play atm anyway , he is ignorant kanker tho
yes i play with him only he told me you suck so bad he hacked your pc so you cant play
Quotei´ve actually pwnd nearly everybody here on crossfire already

image: ekqgpg
i got you too once didnt i :p
I don't think I've ever played you.
true that i suppose
lmao you havent seen me with predator then oh wait
Quotei´ve actually pwnd nearly everybody here on crossfire already

nice joke, concede@15
i do rage a lot tough...
i followed the order you gave me ingame half an hour ago and felt so alone for 2 minutes when you werent there
pubroll? :DD
nah..i dont have proper team you know that man
congrats. you won a game as zephyr vs 1450-80s and an 1137. feel great about yourself.
ty i appreciate :D
Great job raping bad pubs with imba heroes !
its not raping when you have 3 late carries in the end and the other team only has faillady..
it was simply obvious end
worth posting a journal bragging about it then eh ?
ever heard of


? :DD

dont take it too serious man
that pubroll thing was meant in an ironic way..-_-
nice gold per minute (saw the screen why u deleted :i)
u couldnt pwn the awesome trio of me , carlito and kresti
labert mal wieder irgndwas daher ^^
want to play 1on1 dota again mate? <3 :D
no sorry been to busy :D
dont u play hon anymore ?
i remember played 1 game with u, and u kinda failed
must have been em game with newbs..
and how come you played that game o_O nice selfbust id say mate :)
and its not like i only have 10/0 stats every round i can feed a lot <3
everybody can take a look at my stats i can even suck with void sometimes :&
i play only pub so no worries stick to your em games you had the honor to spectate me
maybe you will have luck again some time ..
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