All gentile children are animals .
The non-jew is an animal in human form, and commanded to serve the Jew day and night .
A jew may violate but not marry a non-jewish girl .
If you eat with a gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog.
Do not save Gentiles in danger of death.
A jew may have sex wwith a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Talmud ... REALLY NICE ! "--_--
All kind of religions = wtf
Islam is the bestest ! Mohammed one of the greatest man in history
like islam or christianity is better ::D:D::D

both have massacred far more people than the jews have tbh..

and mohammed fucked little girls
but ofc he is great :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
ya true .. just like " Adam who had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the garden of Eden .. " Talmud .. man you don't know anything about islam, don't judge it !
I'm nor Christian nor Muslim, there probably is a god, but it's not the Christian God nor Muslim Allah. Religion as it is, with it's rules, moral and everything around it is a masterpiece of manipulation, and the guy above you is a moron.
Fuck you all, jews will eventually control this planet.
Hitler should have killed all the jews !
Religion is just about who has the greatest imaginary friend
fuck Zion, fuck them.
oh my allah
you should watch Sarah Silverman :)
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