Recycling Bin gone..wooh!

ok somthing is going on in my computer :P
i got this virus
i downloaded Spyware Doctor cuz AVG didn't do shit.
So i download this Spyware Doctor, and ran a scan
it healed the virus (yhay)
so i tried to turned the thing off cuz it was crushing my computer's bandwidth
that didn't work it said i have to restart my computer.
so i right clicked on it and selected "Shut Down". so it restarted my computer and it was off...soooooooooo
i tried to get rid of it, so as i put it in the Recycling Bin, my bin just disppeared. i ran a scan and it wasn't found
i looked through Add or Remove Programs and it wasn't there.
so i'm thinking i must reformat.
im pretty much wondering if there is somthing else I could do other than reformat?

thanks in advance

image: myspace_to_myplace
image: myspace_to_myplace

Does it work ?
it can
if your sexy like me
image: 12162004180220874g
download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.44 and update it. :

Reboot your pc in safe mode and run scan.
Wait until the end and delete virus.

Reboot now in normal mode and N'Joy.
free version on the website 2, great program :)
format :c
trojans usually re-install themselves when one file is missing :p
Right-click on an empty space on your desktop background, go to properties (or Personalise - depending on your OS), click on "Change desktop icons" (at least that's what it's called in Win7), then just tick the boxes you want your desktop to show.
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