n00n, cmon man.. veni vidi vici?

think its a waste m8:( its such a standard tattoo:(
well its not :D of coz lots of ppl have it, but its rather standart quote that everyone knows than tatoo!
well, i would never tattoo a famous quote on my body, needs to be unique;)

but, if ur happy with it, then thats the only thing that matters m8 <3
yes i am rly :P but its not all theres gonna be next part of soon in like 2 months
how many tatoos u have already?:) though this one was first :O

and btw if u would be a gay i could show u mine awesome tatoo :D would fit perfectly to u :D
the link is not working for me

oh* veni vidi vici , a bit kitschy :P
Did you write S4rna on your other arm?
as long as you didnt fail like this guy from anderlecht

image: legearfail
I like that one.
I want to get "Freedome" or "liberty" in my shoulder
ye its also nice, i love this font from my tattoo tbh i think its amazing
yeah, i agree. I want to get one of those too. Maybe a bit more "round" and "curvey".
Not sure yet.
lil bit squishy :p in 30 years it will be rly big chalenge to read that text in the middle of milions wrinkles xD
Carpe Cerevisi
looks nice but not my taste :<
hehehe thats awesome mate, im so happy for you <3
Awesome tat m8
actually its pretty nice actually
nice tatoo your gf got there :P
a chimp sucking my dick, pure win.
point for you!
Wonder why n00n didn't get this one, looks cute
creative :P
Ye you guys are cool tattooing random quotes on your body you know shit about.
you really think i'd tattoo something without knowing what it means?
He's merely implying that you just tattooed that to look smart, and therefore be cool.
What thisisnotme said. Thanks for proving my opinion once again.
I'd like to have 'No Retreat, No Regrets' as a tattoo.
original but I shouldn't complain, I've got both chinese-signs and old English ^^ But I was young... :)
I dont have any pic on it but here is a pic you can see it a bit:
But you can only see 2/3 chinese signs !
And the other tattoo is my surname on the back of my arm, dont know how to explain it but you can only see it from the behind :)

And a chinese-sign on my leg which is blue cuz it was a home-studio. But i barely count it as a tattoo, nothing I'm really proud of :) But It was a spontaneous tattoo with some friends, so I got the same as 3 friends on the exactly same place. I'm not really sure what the fuck it means anymore :D
you can recover the shitty tattoo by a new one.
I'll prolly have a chinese signs on my biceps but inside (I don't know if you see what I'm talking about :p) like you see it only a little when I put my hand in the air and everyone say "OWWW did you see that ? AWESOME :D
Yea, i'll probably do that sometimes, my friends has "completed" it at another place.
Ye I know where you are talking about :) could be really nice! :)
ye a friend got something like that but dont really know what kind of letters it is, I think it's latin. Looks quite nice but he also did in a home-studio so doesn't look as good as it should have done in a real skilled studio :)
Pink t-shirt, pink t-shirt :D
nice font bud, now do a total topless shot of you

need good fapping material
tatoos are gay
nie ogarniam po co komu tatuaz, ktory moze obejrzec sobie tylko sam w lustrze
im gettin everton crest soonish on right arm
what does that shit mean, n00n ?
I came, I saw, I conquered

in what language?
oh lol .. it's mirrored .. that's why i didn't recognise it :D
font sucks a little bit
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