final fantasy xiii

whos gonna buy it? ive paid 60€ at amazon
its already released in japan for 2 months -.-
i read a few reviews and that game will be awesome

17 days left!
I think image: eeEagle has already preordered it too.

I've only played FFVIII myself. It was awesome though. :P
PS3 or X360 version?
ps3, bought one cuz of final fantasy 13, few days later they said that they will release it for xbox too -.-
No :D this was announced at E3 in 2009 :P

I will buy at xbox360, i hope this game will be really good :)
its awesome except the espers/g.f./bestias will be like "transformers" so stupid ^^
few ff forum members bought the japanese version and told me how awesome that game is :D

postgame will be like ~140 hours :P
sounds like something waki would do
i dont play console games except fifa10 but final fantasy > ET
too easy but it was exciting^^
have to buy a ps3 for it.. i hope its worth it. ff12 was a huge disappointment
yes thats why i didnt even finish ff12 :P also ff10-2 was shit
i dont know if it was shit but the battlesystem was way over my head.. so much pöaying of ff10 (where u had any time in the world to do something) and then this faststuff thing ^^
ye i ofc remember playing ff10, in every fight you could go shit :P
yeah i liked the "old" worldmap a lot more then this stuff @ 10 and 12. but on the other hand even with this old worldmap it was still linear (u could visit other places but couldnt do much)
so what? in every final fantasy you first have to play the story at the beginning, ok ff10-2 and ff12 was really shit but ff13 will be totally different
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