flags :D

can someone pls make a flag of this? its of Oost-vlaanderen

image: 20080922142728_bp09_640_main
they wont upload the flags anyway

so what is your intention?

we had this shit 1-2 years ago already
didnt know, saw these other guys posting this shit so i thought id give it a try
What is this then?
that flag in a 18x12 pic :D
we are free communists free!
image: Oost-vlaanderen_9zzi9

image: Oost-vlaanderen2_z7tt8

it's losing a lot of it's details when you scale it down.
lacks the little crossfire shine thing

reproduced it in photoshop a while back for Anonymous and so but i don't have it installed so i can't check to see where it is ;e
ah ye! :D you are right
I did a lot of flags last time sol said they would be added cos I got over 9000 pms, but only like 10 of mine got added and they stopped, so I guess there will be no flag adding ever EVER again
tbh they should make an option that you can upload your own flag, just for personal use...
image: FahneOstpreussen2

it needs to be added!
image: flags
win!!! <3
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