haha! own3d
own3d encoder suxxx
20 Feb 2010, 19:58
I tried to use every single codec to code audio, and sync is still fucked up after upload :{ wtf it doesn't occur on yt, vimeo, google video etc only on this fuckin own3d
no me
no spankie !
no u!
ok you win :(
muhahah! i'm evil
no you're not !
Hmm do they have codec requirement info in an FAQ or something?
yes there is a recomendation to use AAC/MP3. I have already tried both of them.
Maybe it is the video codec ?
idk, I have already gone through alot of codecs while checking the quality and stuff, and it was always fucked up :[
Message support and ask them the best audio/video codec ... if you meet their suggestions, alls good =]
yeah just don't use it and go for vimeo
i know that vimeo is the best thing around the interwebs atm, but its just not that popular when we're talking about fms :[
so? you're probably going to post it on crossfire with the link anyway, why that ad-ridden slow bullshit?
Vimeo fucked themselves over when they introduced the "no gaming videos" policy. If they've since removed it, then yes, you're right!
Yeh shame =[ I like their player too