Meez/Maus = Rockit?

After watching Rockit tonight, it seems quite clear there are certain players holding the team back.

Wing = feeding unless he make big panzer kill
Clown = feeding
Xylos = not on form tonight, but still amazing
Maus = carry
Meez = carry

Anyone else's thoughts on this?

Also, after their loss to Blight in the final of the seeding tournemant, Meez ragequit and stuck mouse feet on his face:
image: 110zwjl
Firstly, I can't believe you're using this photo, my hair man. That's harsh.

Secondly, photoshop.
biting on his own lips is the forst indicator of borderline
omfg u use headset+headphones like me!!!!!

1around the neck to talk
1on the head to listen :OOOO

i must be pro 8)
lol I do it also since new headset's mic not working so need to use old @ neck also
: d
I doooo same
where are you in your room? 0_0
your hair man, thats harsh
It's ok, you look a bit like DjWheat now ^^
Anyone could have a 'bad' day from time to time.
Meez fits into the team better than olbaa did. He's more of a teamplayer and better medic. Think XyLoS isn't the rifler he used to be, Wing needs to adapt more I think he still thinks it's 6on6 as he's more of a spam than aim player. Could just be a bad day. Clown gets the job done but needs more firepow4h. mAus is fine
None of them are ganking, so...
Roger Federer ?
night was too good tonight :DD
they are all good....

it just looked like it wasnt their day today,by their i mean winghaven/xylos

E: and mAus/meez gave it their best like always :)
xylos/wing are amazing aswell normally. & clown is very usefull for the team.
Very big suprise that medics look like carrying the team.

But its Wing and Clown carrying it really.
wing took panzer way too much tonight. needs to calm down and go medic for a bit.

xylos was off his game a little bit tonight. just a bad night, still a pwnage rifler :]
Eric Morecambe glasses nice

image: Eric-Morecambe-001
it gets all the hipsters wet
its normally xylos carrying them, he's simply the best rifle in ET, Wing just has to find a way to combine his panzer/medic, he got unlucky a few times which can just happen also. imagine he'd take 3/4 kills when he was 0,001 second too early to shoot, you'd then all cheer for him. rockit is gonna win cc7, blight just been allowed to play with mercs which is lame imo, its a lan tournament. -.-
squall is their official backup, and tbh ferus & squall are quite equal in skill...
Quoteferus & squall are quite equal in skill...
ferus from 2006 yes ferus from 2k10 not rly..
Didn't you play the groupstage with miSe? >_<
no, mise played 1 map, ali had 600 ping and was unable to play.
buh, still mercing although hardly comparable to Squall playing the seeding cup instead of feruS..
they should take the worst seed because one player cant play?

much better with merc tbh
You either replied to the wrong guy or misread my post, xperia was claiming using mercs is lame or whatever.
and Baggiez as always starting da flame war
Several times on braundorf I watched clown miss entire clips from close range. Shooting sub par even for his own standard, something he needs to address in a more aim dependent format. Was quite impressed by meez in the game.

As for blight squall over ferus makes a significant difference.
every player does his thing, and they have a nice mix of spammers aimers and brainers
there's never room for every player in a team to shine

nvm, i got it on the second read
was about to call you a dumb but you edited :P
Who said everyone needs to shine?

"Several times on braundorf I watched clown miss entire clips from close range."

Just not hold those that shine, back
Of clown's extensive list of achievements, which include several lan and EC finals, do you think really think he'd have kept a place in those teams all this time if he was holding people back? If he really was holding these teams back as well, why are they consistenly so high up the tables? I think you should also know by now that a player's contribution to a team involves much more than that which can be seen on ETTV. I fail to see how a team is being held back if it's consistently on the podium.

The same goes for Wing, though people often see wing as inconsistent as opposed to incompetent.
I don't really think Wing is inconsistent or incompetent.

He plays a lot of panzer, which is high risk-high reward. Last night, he missed out on a 4-man panzer which would have undoubtedly won them the game. Another day, he makes it, they win. He fits the team fine, it just wasn't his day.

Clown, I quite simply don't rate. He's in a team with arguably the best ever rifle and the best ever aimer. Sure, he gives them direction, but that's nothing that plenty of other players could do.

Watch the game last night and tell me he wasn't shit.
Winghaven has never been at his best online before LAN, he always comes good on LAN. I wouldnt worry too much, so long as he is prac'ing hard he will come good in Enschededededede
rockit will win cc7, blight was playing with squall instead of ferus wich is a big change, nowadays.
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