cf rage

srsly what happend to this shitsite?
it was THE place to hang up, read some funny journals..have a laugh and get the newest news about our beloved game enemy territory.
and what do we have now? every day the same shit. some retards are trying to get some attention and making one retarded senseless journal after the next one to show the wide wide world how fucking stupid they are. "hey whats up?" "nothing, im fine but bit bored" "ok lets make a journal about it so everyone sees my name and thinks: wow he is so cool that he makes this journal. i want to be like him"....srsly are you all thaaat dumb? it this efame really that important to you that you try to achieve it with some "loekinoshitspam" (sry mate) and if you fucking ngrs try to be funny. then pls do it right. if you want to spam ...then make it in a funny way so we can have a laugh....and dont make journals like: oh look banga said he is gay. how funny is this ? lets laugh at him and treat me like a cool guy because i posted it..haha...:/ guyssssss what happened to crossfire ? what happened to all the sols and tosspots who try to ban some idiots here ? crossfire is no kindergarden ! just take a look at the journalsection. how many useful journals can you see? 2? 1 ? 0 ? you say that enemy territory is dead. i say that crossfire and a big part of the community is just too retarded !
My journal is epic!



np friendly turkfriend
you are part of that "big part" :)
im not part of the retarded part
when i spam then i do it in a funny way and not that retarded. i dont need any fuckin attention
subjective judgement... some think its funny some think its retarded. learn to handle that you arent the person who decides whats funny and what isn't
guess youre not the one to judge if your spam is funny or not, up to every person
and you dont need attention? dont do as useless journals as this one then, no idea what its good for
you're doing the same , nobody cares + your journal is nothing but useless so cut your whine
just dont care about that, lolz
epic emo journal

Quoteget the newest news about our beloved game enemy territory.

This game is dead bro
I rather read something short and precise than a wall of unformatted text with whine. :p

And you forgot a random pic. Something like a pretty lady with a strawberry
image: 4467_6687

or cookie monster going wild
image: 4590_b435
let me image: drunk_chick for you
Quotelet me randompic
for you
Quote bachOrr on 22/02/10, 20:09:55 Edited PM | Reply

let me randompic
for you

Talon on 22/02/10, 20:11:32
smoke weed an cf is the second best side on the internet......ok not rly but more enjoyable oO
blöder schwanzlutscher (: du so ich geh malochen
No random chick = stupid journal
Your point is?
Du bist kein Stück besser.
stfu nerd
pff newschool fag
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