dragon age: origins ?

downloading it, is it any good? im a big fan of rpg games but will my high hopes die as soon as i start the game?

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The plot and characters r pretty bad IMO.
play Mass Effect instead
przeszedlem 1 i 2 :/
kozak giery, nie?
prawie tak kozak jak ja :/
Its an awesome game =) Can't wait for the expansion which is coming soon =o
how far u've played it? :)
I've actually ended the game ( took me about 30 hours, and I only completed <50% of the game :P)
QuoteI've actually ended the game

QuoteI only completed <50% of the game :P
Well, I did end the game :( Killed the arch demon n stuff, but I didn't do all the side quests :P
Then you haven't ended/completed the game!
Never said I completed the game! I did all the main quests! so I basicly "finished it"
Nope, if you got a 100% you can say you "finished it"
you can't get to 100% if you don't have all the downloadable content and stuff i finished it did most side quests and only had like 40% completed in the end
Then he/you should get the DLC's to get 100% else he/you can't say you actually finished the game !
finishing the game and completing it are two different things!!! i said i finished it which i did by beating up the arch demon but i didn't say i completed it cuz i was only at 40%. And i couldn't get the DLC's to work :<
Those are not two different things ! Finishing the main questline and finishing the game is though.
if you do the main quest line and chose not to play on the game is finished but not completed so 2 different things imo :D
The game isn't finished when you finished the main quest line, so completing and finishing the game is exactly the same. Eventhough you don't want to carry on playing after the main quest line doesn't mean YOU finished it.
"The game isn't finished when you finished"

Henk is right... you FINISH the game when you end the main quest and you COMPLETE the game when you have 100% completion, don't be so stubborn
How can you ever finish something that isn't a 100% done. You don't shit and stop halfway and say you finished shitting ? xD
you can actually, you finish the action...

and you FINISH the story so you FINISH the game but you don't COMPLETE the game, no point of explaining it anymore, don't care that much
The action is: shit on the toilet, but you cancelled the action by stop shitting halfway, therefor you didn't finish the action.

And a game isn't finished when the questline is finished. The game is finished (AND COMPLETED) when it's a 100% done.

And you do care else you didn't reply ;d
nice bears and i said i don't care that much :P
Atleast I'm right :)
it's a matter of opinion :) you think you are right, i think i am right :P
It's far from a opinion, it's more like a fact
really, no, stop it
How can something about finishing a game be a opinion :S You either finished it or you didn't :S
really, no, stop
I was right all along! Thanks! :o)
Proof me wrong
why should i? :D i know i'm right, don't need to prove you, keep obsessing :P
I proved you wrong, which makes my statements right
don't you have some trickshots to do?? :D imo mant and myself are right... when you beat the last boss you finish the game because you get the ending movie and a story which tells you what happens to the characters and shit based on the choices you made... but if you think it isn't finished then it's fine aswell :D
I was just trolling, bored to hell :D
that's why i said don't you have some trickshots to do :D
3 comments in a row, ban!
image: 915eec8cf35b
I got all the downloaded content etc.
Then you fail to complete/finish the game :D reroll and try again KK
GOD, that actually sounds like a fun plan... :D
Maybe this time you won't fail and actually finish the game !
weird then that you still only have 50% because there aren't that many side quests at all :/ Maybe you gotta do all the achievements or something :p
spoiler much for him?
You get to know what to do in the first 2 min's anyway.
You expect thats what you have to do after that dream you had, but that's not in the first 2min and you don't know if that's really going to be the end.
you should play as a mage!!
yea mage is really op in that game ^^
You tried to those "mage mods" ? =D Going high council dragon etc.
no i didnt try any mods :> are there some good ones?
Ye there are, well I wouldn't call it "mods" but more sort off extensions of the characters (The mage for example will be able to transform into a "High council dragon", such things :P)
Ive had alot of fun with it with my mage. Spell combos are fun :)
The areas felt abit small though and the end was a tad dissapointing, but still a great game.
Just wait for the expansion which is coming soon ;D
well,i got bored after 2 hours.dont rly like the game
ye it's pretty good not that long though... not that many places you can go
Awesome game.
If it's shit it's too late, your already downloading it.
Best RPG since KotOR :D

Bring on Awakening on the16th <3
Great game, very addictive.

game of 2009!!
well its like any RPG by these guys (e.g. baldures gate) so you should know exactly what to expect... but ofc the gfx is way better this time.
cant wait for the expansion! :$
very nice game, finished it twice. now i'm w8ing for expansion
So you got it to a 100% ? :O
i made all questes (without 2 DLC) and i ended it in 3different ways

ofc 2nd try i made it at nightmare

(ps if u meant all achivements, no i didnt take them all :D)
If you like games that don't give you freedom, then yeah. I myself didn't enjoy it that much. I prefer games like Oblivion :<.
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