Old ET fragmovies.

As I'm procrastinating so well, i was wondering if there is anywhere i can find some good, old ET fragmovies (somewhere around 2004-6 and onwards)?

/Recommend me some good ones.

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what does procrastinating mean
If i've spelt it right:

Google -> Define: procrastination.
I wondered that as well. Until two minutes ago I thought it had to do with masturbation but that's quite far from it.

thesaurus: http://thesaurus.reference.com/browse/procrastinating
Actually i find the two can sometimes be one and the same.
Yeah. But I imagine it could lead to some stupid misunderstandings.
I'm joking btw, I think my point got lost there :(
Destructive Vision
Just another ET movie and Kris ET movie are my favourites.
Got more hits in one year than i have in 4. Wonder why.
Superboyy Puraan is the shit! Another good one is 'Who cares?' by some french player.

Travel back in time and get them from swertcw. :/
"Who cares?" @ France daf & France zorn - good one indeed : )
Great... Anyone got any links to any of these? I've seen most of them but wouldn't mind watching again. Thanks.
A Casual Movie
adzz flashbacks +1
go for the shewie + ganon movies, the early ones are fantastic
procrastinating, big word for a chav =)
Fuck off blud!
kris, 141
kill brill 8)
JaFo - Row

mirro - Last man standing

and you should watch some RtCW movies from back in the days, they are simply bestest :)
I've never really played RTCW or followed it, but are there any good movies you can recommend? I've seen a few though.
4Kings Movie
Infensus Movie
Iratus by RaZiel
Knö or Die
Thanks, watched them before but I can never remember the names.
EuroCup - X

is one of the best rtcw movies.
i have clan lovely's "ET IS WAR" from 2003

sick shit

edit: but the only old fragmovie you need is Confo - Get B33fed.
link 2 both! :D
I have a movie with you in it. This is back in the day :). Want me to upload for you? Was when we were in =GK= not amazing frags like but I see your name a couple of times lol.
Rofl. Didn't know it existed! If you've got a link going that will be fantastic.

How you doing btw?
Yeah man not too bad thanks :). I'll just pop onto XP since Vista doesn't want me to login to my FTP. Will post a reply when it's done :P.

Hows you?
Good thanks i guess. What do you do with yourself these days?
Last year was hectic, lot's of work on a project I've spent hundreds of hours on for my company. I've put that on hold since I'm expecting my first child within 6 weeks :). Right now I'm programming applications for small businesses and clients. Have an extensive portfolio so not hard finding people who need work done.

What about you?:)

Here is the link to the movie, I do warn you it sucks so hard. You used Randommaniac as your name lol, good times :))))))))

Oh really, sounds like your doing similar but more advanced work than myself. Im in my 2nd year of uni studying computer science. What languages do you mainly deal with? Or more web based scripting kinda stuff? Good luck with the kid, and thanks for the link.
Ha no worries and thank you. I code mainly C++ and doing more work in VB.NET for Windows. I finished college and all that, I was going to go uni but I thought fuck it I'm gonna find my own path. I seriously had no idea what I wanted to do. I spent hours working on networking, Cisco CCNA and network security with a small firm BUT I got bored so quickly. I then moved onto graphic design (websites) which I didn't mind doing but it was reptitive. I then decided to start my own project with my mates mum (lol) and I coded a whole social networking website which allows uni students to upload their portolio online and employers have access to their CV and all their work they want to show off. The employer can speak to the person via my scripted chat application and also voip.

I have actually finished the project but we had a set back with a dedicated server. We was receiving 60k hits per day without advertising the website (it wasn't meant to be live). We are listed with 245 uni's around the UK and expect a member base of 1million. (sorry for so much lol). Now I'm doing programming in my own time and run a few websites.
Lol, thats a lot to have done by our age tbh :D Im doing my CCNA atm, its interesting in theory but i could see the practice getting boring quickly. Ye, uni is great if you want to be there, but it bugs me that people seem to think that you have to go to get a start in anything.
I was really close to going actually, but I thought hard about what I wanted to do. Doing 2-4 years of something I won't even want to do after finishing is pointless and a waste of time. From now on I will be programming I think, I enjoy it and the challenges that it gives me.

Lol yeah I know man, I wasn't expecting the project to be hard at all, I had little PHP and SQL knowledge but pulled it off. I did however have a mate who knows a lot about PHP so he helped me with problems and bugs and such, but all my code:). But even after spending hundreds of hours working with PHP and getting quite good at it, I fail to see a career in it :(.

But if you ever need PHP, C++, VB6.0, VB.NET, SQL, MYSQL or Linux help just send me a PM and I'll be happy to help :).
Much appreciated, I do sometimes struggle with assignments, but its part of the learning process and normally know what im doing after. Only time i've ever touched VB i was about 15, but C++ i do atm as well as c++, php and various db languages. See what you mean, php is something thats nice to know, as its still widely used. Although i find it a bit shit, for lack of a better word.
:), I started working on C++ mainly because of a game engine I was developing. I then went to modifiying games, but this was mainly C, but they're similar. I've started working on Linux apps now also, only been using Linux for around 1month now, still getting used to it and such. PHP is a very powerful language, I do not like working with other peoples projects (such as opensource software like BidPro). I can't read other peoples work, I get confused and have to make my own lol.

I do enjoy VB, I was doing VB when I was playing with you lol, VB6.0. I've been asked by an admin here to help make an ET Mod off of ETPRO but I don't see it helping unless other people are working with me. Ethr is my best hope since he has C++ knowledge. But now I'll just stick to my freelancing lol.
nice one not mentioning mine, get the fuck out, now.
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