Tonight is going to be a good night

Tonight some sort of sex industry show is going to be held in my city and my friend got some tickets.

Actually I've been waiting for it in some days now and I really think it's going to be funny as hell and really exciting. I've heard there is going to be a huge bar where each table has their own stripper :P

Have anyone of you been at one of these show?

Hard on incoming + 100 cheery condoms! YE!

image: adip

Me and bizkid taking gaming to a whole new level :D
aalborg kongress og kulturcenter det kaldes erotic world du burde komme forbi indgangen er bare omkring 200kr tror jeg :P
hmm, ja det lyder fedt :-) hvornår starter det?
kl 19 det kører fra i dag og 2 dage frem ad! Bliver nice!
lyder godt, håber at jeg får tid imorgen :-) hf!
ta' mig med :( det plejer os at komme ned til Aabenraa sommetider har jeg set
har faktisk aldrig hørt om det før, men det lyder fedt så hvorfor ikke prøve :D problemet er bare at jeg ikke ved om jeg får tid :(
hehe har heller aldrig set det før, troede bare det var sådan en alm. sexudstilling, og det ikke ligefrem fordi jeg er så desperat ;)
[email protected]

everyone fill his inbox plz!!:D
i hope for u the tabbles will have some stripperins and not stripper !! otherwise u will have a cock with balls infront of your cocktail / beer

omg adi's gonna get laid at last omg
Is that not against your religion? :P
What Severus said.
image: untitled

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Mean, just mean...
You're such a joke really.
ahahaha koji ste vi gaylordovi
Ma daj izgledamo cool
hvala za email!
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