Avatar Digital Painting II

I think I have finally gotten close to finished. I still have a lot of touching up and smoothing of the edges, etc, but for the most part it's done.

click to see work in progress

image: avatarcopy-4
and why is that necessary? such a shitty movie with enough fan-merchandise.

e: do a real painting and my respect is yours
You are ignorant.
very well done
is this your homework??? if not, go right now to do it :D

p.s: its cool :D
lol it actually was for homework.
loool nice one :D how much time did you spend on it?
can't really say for sure, I think I spent maybe 2 hours a week for about 4 weeks.

It was my first time doing something like this so it went really slow. I think if I did it again it would go much faster.
LoL nice, can you paint the chick too?
Na, I think I'm done with blue people for a bit.
Talented :-)
n1, now pick up some cans and do it on a wall :D
nice, what for tho?
It's for an independent study class I am doing in school for Computer Graphics. I can pretty much do whatever as long as it is on the computer, I've been interested in digital painting for a while so i figured I'd give it a try.
nice, looks cool, expect a good grade :d
those smurfs are so fucking ugly... don't get it why you want to waste your time on painting that!
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