image: 2gvq6u0
Delightedly opening one of his many presents from one of his many fans all around the world.

image: 15gt4w4
What a lovely cake thee has there!

ET has known many a great player. Finland mystic, Belgium mAus, Sweden Rel!ken and Estonia Night to name a few, but arguably none of them will ever attain the same level of awesomeness that this particular man embodies. It is speculated that all 4 of the afore mentioned players specced this man on ETTV to learn more about this game. It is this man that made them so good at what they are now (or were in the past). It is this man that made ET the way it is is today! Can I get a hallelujah? Can I get an amen please!

True story!

And if you don't believe me (no idea why you shouldn't) perhaps you'll believe these people:

Sweden GoReY (One of wSw's best players, if not THE best)

QuotevArgen äger han äger, dygnet runt året runt heheh..

Sweden Rel!ken (Owner of ET's finest public server)

QuoteI sometimes refuse having sex with my girlfriend because I'm speccing vArgen in a war. She understands that because she recognizes the greatness that vArgen is.

France Rhiind (One of France's best ET-players)

QuoteI absolutely love watching vArgen in action! Once I watched him for three days straight, replay after replay. When I tell people about it they look at me in a weird way and ask me if I'm crazy, I tell them I am. I'm crazy about vArgen.

Spain Rhoond (One of Spain's best ET-players)

QuoteLast week my grandmom was dying (cancer and stuff) and asked to see me one last time. I was watching vArgen live on ETTV so I told her I couldn't make it. My mom hasn't talked to me ever since, but I don't mind, vArgen still talks to me and that's what matters.

Iceland Rheindsson (One of Iceland's finest ET-players)

Quote vArgen's awesomeness is known around the globe and even in a tiny place such as Iceland we know about the great vArgen. I have this from my father but apparently the Icelandic gouvernment contacted vArgen in 2009 during the financial crisis, which made all our banks crash, and offered him "Dictatorship 4 Life". He, however, refused and told them they should have more faith in themselves and their fellow countrymen instead of blindly trusting upon a foreigner. So true.

South Africa Nelson Rhuond (South Africa's most famous ET-player)

Quote People were worried about the infrastructure completion process for the World Cup Football in 2010. They were rightly concerned I can tell you now! It's only because of one man we're actually back on track with the building. When the gouvernment saw everything going askew, they flew vArgen in and after a few days construction started again and faster than ever! vArgen and his motivational speeches have become a legend here in South Africa and little kids in school are taught about his awesomeness! We love you vArgen!

England Gene Hunt

QuoteThey reckon you’ve got concussion – I couldn’t give a tart’s furry cup if half your brains are falling out. Don’t ever waltz into my kingdom acting king of the jungle.

I could go on for hours, that's how many people contacted me to be included. But we have to keep it short and to the point so I had to refuse them. If you are reading this and have a personal message for vArgen, simply include it in your prayers to God tonight and he'll pass it on to vArgen.

So, finally, without further ado!


image: 2lcxrhl
Splash Damage released a vArgen's Special Edition on ocassion of his birthday.
fucking hell.
Go make that comment at columns and articles... without boredom there would be no content on the internets

best journal in 2010 so far
happy birzday for u !
best hb journal (:
HAPPY BIRTH DAY VARGEN :)<3333333333333
Hb Vargen !

where is Ukraine FORWARHAND ( Ukrainian ET legend ) 's statement ? :\
He'll have to include it in his prayer to God tonight! So many people wanting to gief statement :x
This bromance is a beautiful thing.
cool journal

But you listed 4 people then said all 3 :p
Oh yeah, editted it later on special request buty forgot to change that. Cheers.
happy birthday vArgen, Worlds best!
hb vrg <3
Happy birthday vArgiro! SUPERGUDEN! <333
HB VARGEN!!!! <3
hb vrg <3
Hmm... Somehow this reminds me of one of my threads...
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