Mouse reg CiC7

On cdc3 i had some file which i clicked and my mouse was the same like at home. it was some mouse.reg file or something but i dont know how i did that , anyone could help me please and wrote the cmd :-)

win+r -> regedit
search MouseThreshold
file -> export the whole "Mouse" (or w/e, on laptop, no windows) folder as mouse.reg
When I play at home I play without drivers, but at cc6 my mouse was so fucked up I just installed the drivers anyway and it felt again like home without lagging.

image: everything_went_better_than_expected
i also play without drivers ..
i also write also after also and a word, also!
epic also is epic.....also
At cc6 there was a guy who lost his cfg but then he got his cfg via email.

image: everything_went_better_than_expected
ur rifle, u dont need it!!! =)
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