Heavy Rain

*No spoilers in this text, but I can't prevent others from posting spoilers below.. Try not to though!



I mean... Wow.

Anyone else that has finished it?
I've never been this moved by any game I've played before.
It's an journey worth taking.

There are holes in the logic at some points and the control is a bit messy but tbh, right now I just want to find David Cage and bow at his feet. Never have I experienced a game like this. I've played great games, but this... Was just something else.

I can't fully grasp everything atm.. But beware of spoilers in this journal further on if people wish to discuss the plot. I have a lot I'd wish to discuss..
it's only on console though, aint it
ps3 only, ye :P
Yeah, I got a friend who owns all consoles though, and buys all the latest games. Pre-orders special editions and shit.

Might I mention that I've spent the last two days here? :P
need it for PC :<

Bought this game today, so do not want spoilers.
theres no spoilers in the journal..he warned u that there will be in the comments
No spoilers in the journal topic!

Just warning cause people might spit out endnings and stuff.
Get playing now tho, you won't regret it!
Oh thank fuck!

Yeah, babytsitting tonight, so will play when they're both in bed! Can't fucking wait.
Ah, good stuff!
Make sure you don't forget about the kids though, the game might have that effect on you..

Won't hype it anymore now though, enjoy ;)
no BUT I was running in that fucking mall for 30 mins looking for JASONS RED BALLON, mighy annoying without any sort of hints
Mabye say there are no spoilers INFRONT of the tekst, otherwise people have to read the journal first to read there are no spoilers

Oh Shelby you little Origami Killer you.. ! !
Might want to edit that so you don't spoil it for everybody else.. ;)
I would love to play this game,think I have to buy now PS3 as well.Saw it before already about 2-3 weeks ago,was mind blowing.

BTW Zymon tomorrow we will have FF13
You should get it!

And yeah! I'm heading over to a friends place to play it ASAP ;)
Haven't got so many superb reviews though, they've been good, but I had expected more. Oh well, I'll see it myself before I jusdge it completely ;)
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