bibuy off to work

i'm one hell of an poor dude , leaving now to work till 17:00 :(((
I'm still drunken like hell , stinking like an alcaholic but who cares

bibuy crossfire
ne fahne schieben beim schaffen = insta fail
same here, meet you at work in 20mins!
I on the other hand haven't even been awake 8 hours yet. And I might go back to bed!
have a nice day in work

You are just like me - I have to go to work also + I feel a bit drunk. Yesterday was forced to drink so much of home made vodka ... O_O
'forced to drink vodka' sure 8D
lol home made vodka that's the shit!! :D
I don't have to get my ass up for 9 days =)
gonna study the whole day wooohooo
"room full of ppl that care"

thank god i dont have to work..
we ve had an epic double "abitur-party" and i m damn drunk...
but at least i need to get sober asap and study :<
hf there @ work
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