Cheater on Bio


GUDI ETPRO: [64EB978653FBC6C4D6F126E6BAB948F286F81A1C] [win32]

i know its wallhack

One demo from Bio Server []

Second demo from the same bio
this After i tell him "wh" , look at this funny...

Do it with this... no players like that in CB and ESL..
Nothing new.! :)
scared me :( but why cant ban his guids.. its a little child.. on public bot.. pb_bans and no problem
[09:06] <@chmpppppp> bion ip:tä kthx
have fun :)
... are u retarded? etpro guid is easily spoofable so u did nothing gg retard
dude seriously? Are you acting like this for a reason or what is going on?
thanks for a comment that made sense
And yours did? I have been finding myself irritated by lots of comments you make lately.
I'm wondering why you are acting like an arrogant high skilled idiot while you are nothing more than a player of who everyone know that he's cheating. So atleast be friendly, it's in your own advantage.
:DD my point was that OP was retarded when he took etpro guid which means jack shit. And now u come here to act cool. I bet ur one of those wnb med skillorz
Well, as a mather of fact I probably am medskilled, I'm not acting cool, I'm just wondering why people act so weird on crossfire while they are probably just normal guys in reallife.

Atleast he tried to do something, maybe he didn't know as much as you do about guidspoofing etc.. so give him some credit & don't flame him. You can also give him tips why he shouldn't use etproguids etc.. that would make you atleast a bit more acceptable.
give him credit for doing nothing? :DDD
For trying to do something?
geef t op man :D het is cf :P
way to go, moraalridder ;)
I doubt that guy's normal in real life :-)
I doubt you're normal in rl
Don't doubt my young one
Do it with this... no players like that in CB and ESL..
if some one dont know how to spoff.. no chance.. on public bot.. to play..

so stfu and do something
thanks very unsefull infos! my life is better now
cheater on bio ?! :O noooo rly ?
thanks you saved ET !
you dont do nothing... much better than spamming/ idiot..
hmm good work but u you have wound it well demo but you have written apart guid but so movie apart. it do the best more
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