Mouse prob.. [GER ALLOWED]
27 Feb 2010, 14:14
Bl4d3 just bought a new mouse "Razer Copperhead"
1.he plugged his old mouse out and his new one in
2.installed driver - mouse is not working "windows sayd that there is the mouse plugged but its simply not working"
3.restarted pc / differnet usb ports .. nothing is working
4. plugged in his old mouse "not working either"
can some1 help him pls? :D
1.he plugged his old mouse out and his new one in
2.installed driver - mouse is not working "windows sayd that there is the mouse plugged but its simply not working"
3.restarted pc / differnet usb ports .. nothing is working
4. plugged in his old mouse "not working either"
can some1 help him pls? :D
seine alte diamondback is besser
most likely the worst mouse you could have bought.
imo the worst mouse razer has ever done!
ich hab diamondback copperhead deathadder und bei weitem is die chopperhead die schlechteste maus mit der ich echt je gespielt hab :D
der einzigste unterschied die copperhead hat mehr optionnen und die knöpfe sind komvortabler bei der copperhead also gz!
die copperhead hat nen laser sensor und die db nen optischen!!!!
optischer senser > laser
danach sollte er die maus neu finden... standardtreiber einfach installieren und danach dann die razer scheiße
muss er halt gucken wie er ohen maus dahin kommt mit win und tabtaste :D