WinterCup 3on3 hosted by cb

well can't say I'm surprised given the fact that it's bluman but...

today, bluman achieved an amazing result, won vs (soon they will)avenue & wandering in a close fight 1-0, impressing result

what really happened?

pallot decided to accept w*'s challenge for 17:30CET, all we had to agree was the server so I pm'ed bluman @ 13:47 CET and got no response, oh well he can't be here all the time can he? --> 13:47 Auth • Bluman
13:47 Idle • 2hrs 33mins 39secs

well then i pmed him @ 16:04, no response either but apparently he was here -->
16:04 Auth • Bluman
16:04 Idle • 1hr 31mins 58secs

ou well, i guess he was in a hurry and couldn't respond, but i didn't give up ! i pm'ed him @ 17:26 cor|suVi • bluman and got no response again -->
17:26 Auth • Bluman
17:26 Idle • 31mins 30secs

how interesting that he was here 3 times and could not respond even once... the match got cancelled @ gtv @ rougly 17 35(that's not even enough to claim forfeit) so the situation was very confusing... --> you just broke the rules here

so after a while, he decided to respond

18:19 Bluman • u didnt show up
18:19 Bluman • izi

interesting, he said we weren't on the irc channel why i kept pm'ing him , he also said

18:27 cor|suVi • erhm
18:27 cor|suVi • u didnt respond
18:27 cor|suVi • for 5 h
18:27 cor|suVi • so basically
18:27 Bluman • why should i respond if im not at home?

not at home? but how? his idle time stated he was, another lie from a cheating loser :)

18:31 cor|suVi • u lied to me about not being here while i checked the idle times every few hours :DD
18:31 Bluman • i wasnt here

give up already, you keep talking about a channel i did not even get in the messages and ignore me on purpose because you know that you'd get bashed away

and as for avenue69, their situation is on the gtv link above...

well anyway this is a warning for all the other teams there and also an interesting example of how CB just lost their reputation

for high ranked cb ppl like KB -->

you keep saying that this is only HOSTED by clanbase, the question is.. why is even clanbase hosting a cup for this loser? his team couldn't even get into top3 with cheats @ ESL 3on3 1st div playoffs and now he's fucking up every single match he can by forfeits and ridiculous excuses just so that his team could actually pass the group :D
I expect even more forfeits for his team, especially in playoffs, this cup is basically a joke :D

you can freely remove us from the cup Bluman, i think avenue feels the same way :>

hf with forfeits Zelot :D

p.s - for shorter version read the pallot vs avenue link
Bluman sucks and is a stupid retard? OLD NEWS
omg i came home for this offi. wanted to paly it
blame your scared leader :D
ye he said that ur not here :/
ye definitely, that's why i kept pming him for hours :D
As expected. :3
Shouldnt you be out milking goats Verdan? :D
its Vedran ! and no :| why would I !!
you know why, Bobdan!

just wanted to say "hi suvi"
u can do that over irc ? i will respond don't worry, I'm not bluman ;ppppp
next time maybe
U should join the channel as u have done in every other cup :/
and i didnt broke any rules since u didnt join the channel i dont need to wait 20+ minutes to claim noshow. And about avenue u had pending challenge against them at 23:15 cet+1(?) and i forced it since they didnt accept it (like in every cup at cb) and since our match (vs avenue) had no proposed date it got forced for saturday as its stated on news.
in every other cup the opponents respond and we agree on a date as quickly as possible(a simple q is sufficient for most of the ppl) so that we don't waste too much time on that, don't act as if you're sad and disappointed , you wanted a forfeit just like you wanted a forfeit in the ESL as well(too bad you weren't admining that :/)

as for noshows u didn't even wait 10minutes so you broke your own rules, hf with cup
i dont need to wait even single minute if u wont showup at the channel.
x)))) you're a loser and you have always been a loser, Zelot
just stop playing the cup with this clown of an admin
how sad, you prolly dont even realize how stupid you make yourself look
Nothing un(hax)expected.
its a game :D just calm down and ignore this asshole!
oh im totally chilled :D others should be careful though :>
nothing weird, it's bluman, this is the only way the poor guy can win, it's either this or cheats, you got to feel sorry for him, he is suffering from heavy mental retardation after all
why is that cheater zelot even allowed to play

i remember him cheatin all the time
lack of proofs, HeNe, his teammate (SOOSSI) already got busted weeks ago for wallhack( luckily though, he was so stupid that he busted himself actually)
yeah i all remember them cheating

(hene is my old teammate even :X like 3 years ago)
we both agreed on a date just that Bluman wanted to get forfeit at all cost, we were ready and they were ready but he ignored me on purpose just to get forfeit :D
seriously BLUMAN as admin really, how stupid can this get? :DD
expected, cup hosted by cheaters and retards.
and cb supporting them :D:D
What do you expect from Bluman nerd
nope, just read what i posted :)
voteban bluman
Kid with power... We're doomed!
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