so i changed my sensitivity

I got nothing to do atm and my connection is going crazy so i thought i would play around with my sensitivity a bit. My whole life i've been playing on a really high sens, mostly 5-6 cm for a full turn - basicly just using my wrist to move.

Anyway playing quake live more and more recently it is close to impossible to track on quick movements from left to right, also i've seen some comments of people saying they can aim better the lower sensitivity they use so yea..
I've changed my sens from 4 to 1.3 and it takes like 19cm for a full turn now. After about 10 minutes i more or less got used to the movement, still feels _ridiculously_ slow though.
My biggest problem is: my arm is pretty exhausted after now since i had to hold it in the air pretty much the whole time to turn properly.
I know there are many people that use far lower sensitivitys then 19cm/turn so how do you handle it?

tl:dr version: How much cm/full turn do you use and how do you hold your arm when playing.

productive comments get rewarded with funny pics
great, just what i wanted to know, thanks
learn to pick up your mouse :0)
it's like after a long wanking session, cant imagine playing like that for more than an hour :x
Imagine what your wanking sessions will be like from now on!
I generally use a pretty high sens. Round about the 4 mark. But have also recently reduced it to get used to it. I use a G9 so sens can be changed by the click of a button.
grat, you changed your sensitivity from ridiculously high to medsens.

lowsens is something like 40 cm for turn180°

yes will it grow my penis if i put it on 40 cm for 180° turn?
some quake guru once said

bigger your accel bigger your penis

or something like this
"cl_mouseaccel 0.03"

image: e6vqxc
hah :DDD

0 is for girls
20 cm for 360 degrees is still high sens, 30 cm for a 360 degree is medium sens, above 40 cm for a 360 degree turn is low sense.
just make a story about your sensitivty

make binds for different sensitivities for different guns. So lower for mg/electro thingy and higher for rockets cause u will need flickshots(also with railgun)
Got same probl, i just added a low value for "cl_mouseaccel" (0.1), then i can do a 180° easily. But i just decreased a bit my sens (5.6 => 3.7), not a lot like u ^^ After one week i'm used of it and i dont have anymore the sensation that my arm is exhausted. Soz for engrish:)
sens 3.7 and mouseaccel 0.1 , gl with that ^^
:D and 800dpi ^^ lol, i play from too long time with a uber high sens, i try to decreases it gradually.

Twister change it too much, i dont think that this is the best way.
im already pretty much used to it when it comes to tracking and movement. shoulder hurts like fuck though and railing is quite difficult cause all kinds of flickshots are intuitive and it takes time to adapt.
~40 cm for 360°, wrist resting on mousepad when not so much happening (long distance/ slowly moving objects on crosshair)

otherwise wrist is not lying on mousepad, obviously (it's automatic reaction... try it out, you'll see)

and i'm talking about rtcw here.
image: 2wnxp3a

It is a bit different with rtcw though because you will not be turning so often, and much more long distance shooting going on then in quake
in quakes i used something like ~25cm for 360°. it was really easy to do flickshots with railgun.. and tracking wasn't that terrible either

and it was wrist aiming... mostly
yea i seem to be able to track just fine, but it's so damn exhausting :d
for friction issues: get a big cloth mousepad or baby powder 8)
i will consider it :)
40cm for 300° or something, didnt know it was this low :D
my wrist constantly on the pad, but not resting on it when shooting obviously

edit: ow quake? prolly triple or 4x that sens :P
ok i think i should get a mousepad, too much friction between desk and wrist :/
around 35cm for 360°
my sense is around 1.15

need like 25 cm for 360°
what Nonix said.
I change my sens quite often when I get bored, so I easily go from my normal sens of 25 cm for a 360° to 10 cm and then up to like 50 cm for a 360°

whilst low sens makes me track better, hit like double more headshots and smoothens my movement, it tires my arm(which I keep on the pad while playing) quite a lot so I like to have my sens higher, it does make my aim and movement choppy but my arm is more grateful

from what I've heard and (I think) read it is better to keep your hand in the air with a relatively high sens, aiming with your wrist and moving with whole hand and holding your mouse in a claw-like grip(it's supposed to make your response faster)
idd you do response faster whilst you keep your wrist of from the surface.

but then at the other hand, what use do you have with the fast responsibility if your response isn't accurate.

atleast for me the reason why i keep my wrist on the pad, is the way more accurate flickshots.
I know a guy that keeps his hand in the air and keeps weight pressure on the mouse in order to have more control, so in a way he has the same effect like you just without keeping his hand/wrist on the pad, that way he can make fast flicks, keep great movement and have awesome accuracy at the same time
I always do the same, this "weight pressure". My stamina on mouse2 and it feels better when i push that also. Can hold better the mouse with my tiny hand.
image: nxkefq

Thanks for the reply, I guess I feel pretty much the same :)

The claw thing is interesting, I've just tried it out and it gives me the feeling of having more control over the mouse. Downside being that it has an additional tiring effect. Besides I think it does not work too well with my mouse (diamonback) since i cant really hold it properly in a clawgrip.

edit: lol: image: ClawISO%20no%20cable%20on%20Black%20BG%20VER%20III%20Glowing-big
late as shit, but diamondback works very good with claw technique!

try the best sens: razer 3G diamondback, default settings in windows (6/11), no accel, 800 dpi, 2.2 ingame.

and dont remove your underarm from the table, just be comfortable, have your arm a bit stretched, your wrist must be straight in the air (dont put it down, it makes shit aim).
Meez told me his theory of removing his arm from his chair to improve his performance because it would catch and you keep your arm straighter etc, so I do that now. Removed the right arm of my chair so it doesnt catch when i play!
I use 23 cm for a 360 degree turn. Claw grip combined with palm grip. Moving and aiming with my wrist. Feels comfortable.
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