Get's kinda awful


Why is it that my left mousebutton is harder to click than my right one ?
I know ! Dirt !

Or not ? Cuz I've been trying to remove the dirt with a toothpick for like 10 min, result : mousebutton is still very hard to press ...

Pls halp :x
turn around the mouse, than the left will be easy to click

I don't see what you did there :w
Maybe ur left finger is just weaker ?
put it in water, fixed
flush it down the toilet, fixed
Buy new one.. (;
American Idol
what mouse? had same problem with my da, hitting it few times + pulling fucked button up helped xd
:D always works!
The button is likely just worn down. There might be a small spring under it that has geborken, or perhaps some small piece of plastic is clogging it or something.. Either open up the mouse and see what's wrong or buy a new one, or both.

E: I mean, they don't last forever. The manual or something usually has a reference of how many clicks they last, but that's not too much use unless you have counted every click you've made.
I'm now at 1.324.971 clicks, how many more do I have till its stuck?
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