Rangers vs. Celtic


Kick off @ 12:30 UK time.

Stream: http://www.atdhe.net/14105/watch-rangers-vs-celtic

01 McGregor
03 Weir
05 Papac
16 Whittaker
24 Bougherra
06 McCulloch
07 Davis
08 Thomson
09 Boyd
18 Miller
27 Lafferty

01 Boruc
02 Hinkel
21 Braafheid
25 Rogne
38 Thompson
06 N'Guemo
08 Brown
46 McGeady
07 Keane
10 Fortune
15 Kamara

Rangers 1 - 0 Celtic

boyd will crush
Celtic will humiliate =)
2 - 2 imo
will be watching the everton -spurs games went to goodison alst time for the 2-2 draw but no saha this time nor cahill so dno how this one gna go :/
The SPL is amateur! :p
Who cares about Scottish football, lol? Noobs United.

Falkirk can't even win from Liechtensteinian team, gg. THAT's how good Scottish football is at the moment.
Generally yeah, but when these two teams play against each other it's a completely different thing.
True, but I don't care about British football in general so the big fuss around "The Old Firm" simply passes me by.
Well then don't comment you idiot we don't care that "you don't care" in fact no one cares about any of your opinions in general.
oh, someone is a bit agitated, poor Etnies.
yeah thats it, nothing to do with your pointless post at all.
Most likely.
To be fair, if it "passed you by" you wouldn't even have bothered clicking on this journal.
I click on every journal, except if it's made by some retard kid like bangaa or something. Especially if it concerns football.

Bit pretentious to think I'm affected by the big clash between 2 scottish teams just because I clicked the journal title.
I wasn't being pretentious.

All I'm saying is if it pass you by, let it pass you by instead of not letting it pass you by... like you did now.
I did let it pass me by, if you can read you'll notice that I wasn't talking about Rangers - Celtic in my first post and only mentioned it in my second post because of what Max said.
Yeah but you clicked it :P
cos it's about football and I'm interested in other people's opinion when it comes to football, even if it's about a match I have no peculiar interest in. I hold no love for the PL either, but I always read those journals as well.
Think I got your point the first time you posted it.

stupid song btw
mon e gerssssss. were all over ye :P
1-0 Celtic!
hahahhhaa buhbyeeeee brown ya pie
diving rangers scumbags! got him sent off for nothing
For nothing? Red was probably harsh, yeah. Both players should have received a yellow, imo.

But it wasn't "nothing"...
yea a yellow each would of been fair, still shouldnt of got sent off
big maurice eh!!!! :D:D:D:D
lafferty's a wee fucking rat bag.
dave :D hahahaha.
Lucky bastards :D
I'm assuming you meant Celtic were lucky to only lose 1-0.

Rangers were all over them.
it's not lucky its Boruc!
balls! celtic dominated first half even the commentators where saying it as it was coming to half time in there words " celtic bossed first half "and where doing decent in second half until brown got sent off because of lafferty the cheating big skinny prick. Rangers only dominated when celtic had 10 men which isnt hard even the shittest team can do that when theyve got all the space in the world, rangers had about a hundred chances after sending off and they still couldnt score till last minute cause they are shit.

On a side note the ref shouldnt be allowed to referee another old firm cause he was almost laughably bias towards rangers .
If Rangers are shit, what does that make Celtic who are 10 points behind Rangers who also have a game in hand?

Oh and laughably biased ref? Please, there was a stonewall penalty for Rangers and they got nothing from it. He would have also let the disallowed goal be counted since the handball that cancelled the goal was clearly a ball-to-hand situation rather than a hand-to-ball one.

You 'tic fans need to stop blaming officials.
bullshit it was never a penatly hinkel got his body between the ball and edu just like all defenders do when its going out for a bye kick only diffrence is this was in the box if you think it was a penatly your fucking mental and should have your head checked , and celtic is clearly a better team we play good football and have good players we just cant score for shit even though we DO make the chances. Rangers dont have any good players but always seem to score goals with there only chances in most games except this one just like last old frim game where we completly tore them apart and they scored with there only chance in the full 90 minutes, or the game before that where they got 2 quick goals from stupid defending mistakes by us then we complelty played them off the park for the rest of the game even though we still lost. We are 100% a better team than rangers they are just hoachy bastards who like to put all there men behind the ball and sneak goals they dont go out too play attacking football they are terrible to watch . We have a squad that could be a great team next season when they finnaly gel together becuase all our players can play good attacking football and will easily dominate the spl. And the ball to hand situation was fucking obvious thats why he had to give it it couldnt have been missed he was right infront of it he knew theres no way he could give the goal or he fucking would have. And lafferty didnt even get talked to by the ref but it was actually him that grabbed brown by the head first but brown gets sent off and lafferty gets fuck all and THATS laughably bias. LOL cant belive i wrote all that but fuck it .
Wow, you wrote a lot and I'm not even going to read it.
- Bougherra should've had 2 yellows.

- Both teams should've had penalties

- Lafferty and Brown should've had yellows.

- Boruc should've had man of the match.
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