yellow spots

what the fucking fuck...

been rly ill for the past 2 weeks, coughin my lungs out, headache, that shit. but now all of the sudden 2 yellow spots (few cm both) appeared on my chest. Tried to wash them away, but it's rly my skin :/

what the fuck :S

You are growing boobs. It's the incipient phase.
will they become large and attractive?
Do you smoke?
only weed, so that's equal to about 2 to 3 cigarettes a day, that's not so much that it's getting me yellow spots right? :P
Do you have a dog or a cat? It's a fungi-infection and it's pretty normal for dogs or cats to have it.

In the long run it'll end a bit red in it and it'll become really painful since it'll start to scratch as hell.

But the worst part is that the cure is really expensive :D Here in Denmark Mycofen the most normal medicine for it costs about 40-50 euro's.
can i get worms out of my ass so i can start a worm farm?
No but you'll end up getting autism.
then I can go on a quest around the world with all my autism friends YEAH
Yeah that'll be so funny and now when you have some major fungi-infections it'll be even more funny!

Actually its pretty disgusting.
maybe they have some funghi infections so I can trade, oh man that would be awesome!
it's cancer
It's a sign to go see a doctor.
yea happened to me too, you will die
you're becoming a chinese
QuoteBrownish-Yellow Spots (a.k.a. - liver spots) on the skin: May be due to aging, congestion in the liver, in pregnancy (chloasma uterinum), exophthalmic goiter, uterine malignancies, liver malignancies, freckles, sunburn, cosmetics, mustard, turpentine and other irritants.
busted!! got fucked by a nigga in the ass and now your pregnant, hf!! :)

nr. 34
QuoteThis could be JAUNDICE. It's common in newborns but can be a sign of HEPATITIS, a disease of the liver.

took me 10 sec to find it:)
ye, getting my liver tested monday, already have appointment. rly don't fukkin hope it's that though :S
you knew already it was your liver or you just called cause I showed this?
no I immediately phoned the doctor when I noticed it 2 days ago :p
Must be aids.
aidsflecken xd
haha you got aids spree
get off that mcdonalds diet
Use Vanish oxi action crystal white and you'll be a 100 % caucasian again within seconds. guaranteed!
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