sound problem CoD4
28 Feb 2010, 14:01
Hey CF
my mate JEYZKN
have a problem since 1 day, his sound changed something he dont know what it is now when he go play call of duty or smoething like that his sound is really weird, its like a kind of echo , he dont know what to do.
btw he use windows vista
shoutout: SobyTe, schnark, myKz, JEYZKN, biiNo <33333333
my mate JEYZKN
have a problem since 1 day, his sound changed something he dont know what it is now when he go play call of duty or smoething like that his sound is really weird, its like a kind of echo , he dont know what to do.
btw he use windows vista
shoutout: SobyTe, schnark, myKz, JEYZKN, biiNo <33333333
would be a solution ;)
i had this shit some months ago² :q
if so he probably has that 3D sound shit running, little icon near his clock, check settings there and make sure it doesn't simulate some shitty environment.
where can he find the icon?
i mean not by the clock...
kannst du damit spielen?^^
spiels seit 2 wochen...kennste L4N? ;D
naja können ja ma esl gather zocken
hab jetzt schon paa gather gezockt und wa echt chillig
...zockste nur irc?
ich spiel nut mit myVL leuten..also nich die lappen ausm et squad^^
naja können ja ma was zocken :D