CiC7 ET brackets?!?!?

When will this be announced? Some people said today, but only reading stuff about QL and CoD in the news, i iz curious! publish now!
There is no ET on Lan
There is no ET on Lan
ET There is no Lan on
ET there is no on Lan
There is 6on6 on Lan
On is no lan et
No ET at lan WTF ??? I paid for it need it back ffs
no lan for et
et is lan on a?
you could probably /q an admin you are remotely friends with and have them tell you. lots of people seem to know the groups already.

(don't ask me, i don't)
i know em :$
nOu in group with FiF only thats i know
pm an admin u know or /q Bff , he also knows :)
There is only Wolf3D on Lan
This game is just epic ..
there is no LAN, just a gang bang
There is no 6on6.
Lan on ET no is there
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